Yellow cloud

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The days are runnin' at a slow pace
And all the glitter in between
And all the fallout from the won race:
I'm Miss American Teen

Trixie's POV

It had been a quite busy day; our last class was physical education, and I just wanted to come home to change my uncomfortable uniform, although a part of me knew that would not be possible, at least today because we were supposed to go Katya's apartment in the speed zone. But thinking about it well, I could wear some of her hoddies that I loved so much.

"Hello gorgeous, and your friend Alaska?" there was a male voice behind me.

that caused me goosebumps.

It was the jerk I used to like.


"Don't call me gorgeous," I replied, taking a deep breath and then getting up and catching my things.

"Hey, wait kitten, I need to talk with you," he said, holding me tightly by the wrist.

"Let me go! I have nothing to talk with you,"

"I don't think so," he replied with a fucking smirk "I talked with your mother,"

My heart stopped thinking the worst.

"She misses me a lot, and I know you do it too," he said caressing my cheek "I want to propose you something, you and I started the relationship I offered, and you forget about those lesbians friends you have, we all win, my reputation is back to what it was before and yours too,"

"Are you retarded or just very stupid?" I asked incredulously, "What makes you think that if I reject you before I won't do it again?"

"Doll, you don't want to regret it,"

"I don't understand Jessie; you have a lot of girls behind you, why do you want me?"

"Because any girl rejects Jessie Adams, and because you're prettier than ever Beatrice, don't you see it? Since you rejected me, all these assholes have tried to snatch you out of my way," he said possessively.

"So I'm your stupid trophy? Let me go now idiot, I have nothing to do here," I replied angrily, trying to free me of his grip, but he only made it worse, taking me by the waist to approach his body "Let me go!"

"You didn't hear her, piece of shit? Let her go!" Sharon screamed, or at least I think it was her.

"Oh look, your other dyke friend," he laughed cynically, "We're okay, aren't we Trixie? She has this bratty attitude that drives me crazy,"

"Come on Jessie, please let me go, you're hurting me," I tried to hold my tears, he had started to bury her fingers tightly in my hip, and it really hurt.

"You looked so beautiful when you beg," he smiled in the most creepy way possible, squeezing my cheeks with his other hand.

Fortunately, Sharon wasted no more time and took him by the shirt and then hit him directly in the nose.

"Stay away from her Jessie, I don't want to see you near to Trixie anymore because I swear it will be worse," she threatened, as she gave him another hit.

"You have no idea what you've gotten into Trixie! I swear you'll regret it!" He screamed, making me cry.

"Oh, do you dare to threaten and make my friend cry in front of me?" She asked, hitting him again.

"Sharon, leave him! Just leave, please," I begged, trying to control my breathing.

She kicked him as a goodbye and took me by the shoulders to lead us to where her car was parked.

The only exception.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now