Lay all your love on me

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I wasn't jealous before we met
Now every woman I see is a potential threat
And I'm possessive, it isn't nice
You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice

Trixie's POV

We were in the speed zone, after a long period of at least it was time to relax, and after checking that nobody met like Jessie were here, I was laughing in Katya's arms along with the other girls.

"Are you going to run today?" I asked, wishing the answer was negative.

"You know the answer," she said, removing a lock of hair from my face "It's okay princess, you don't have to worry,"

"I can't help but do it, every time you do it, the nerves take hold of me," I confessed.

"Well, try to see the positive side, if I win I'll take you to dinner whatever you want," she assured, kissing my nose and making me laugh.

"Ice cream?"

"Okay Trixie, you have a serious problem with the ice cream,"

"What can I say? I'm a fan," I said, laughing before being interrupted by the sound of a siren. It was race time.

"Come on Katie, and you'd better not make false promises to the Barbie because you'll eat my dust," Sharon joked, getting on her motorcycle.

"We'll see," she laughed to give me one last kiss on the lips and turn on her motorcycle.

They had just left, and I already felt that emptiness in my chest to not feeling her presence near. It wasn't even 10 seconds since they were gone when the girls started bombarding me with questions.

"Did you guys already fuck?"

"Katya gave you that necklace? It's super cute,"

"You are her muse? She already tattooed your name?"

I felt asphyxiated for a moment, and without Lasky, I had to defend myself, although it was not necessary as Naomi interrupted all them.

"Okay, okay, leave the girl alone," she said taking me by the shoulders "Oh, I think Zamo is calling you, sweetie,"

I smiled when I saw it was right and I went a little afraid between all these people. They were quite intimidating, but as soon as I saw her lovely smile that I liked so much, I relaxed.

"What's up?" I asked curiously

as she placed a lock of hair behind my ear.

"Nothing, I just want to see you," she admitted with a smile.

"You're an idiot," I replied with my cheeks flushed.

"Well, maybe you could give some words of encouragement, they all do that," she said, pointing to the other girls along with the runners.

"Uh, I don't know what to say," I confessed "I hope you win and we can go for ice cream, although if I'm honest, I just want to go to finally be alone and be able to kiss your pretty lips,"

"I think it's a good deal," she laughed as my heart melted by the sound "You can give me a demonstration, it wouldn't bother me,"

"I just rolled my eyes funnily before taking her face with both hands and kissing her. Unfortunately, I didn't kiss her as I would have liked because we were interrupted by the girl who gave the rules, indicating that we had to move because the race was about to start. I asked her to be careful before giving her one last kiss and going with Lasky to watch the race.

I honestly found it hard to understand why Katya decided to put her life in danger this way, I know she needs the money, but I still don't like the idea. My heartbeat was a thousand per second on every lap, she, along with Sharon and another guy was too stuck, however, in the end, my pretty blonde ended up winning the race, and I couldn't help but sigh of relief seeing that it was over.

The only exception.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now