Hello, goodbye, hello

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To be honest, you're a dime
To be fair, you've got me on my knees
But to be young and not on time
It's like flowers blooming through November freeze
When I sleep, I say your name
And when I wake, it's written up and down my walls

Katya's POV

What happens when everything ends? When all that you used to fight for go away?

Those questions took away my sleep regularly, I used to miss those nights where I could sleep without worrying about anything.

The air ruffled my hair that I didn't mind brushing anymore. The sound of the waves that used to relax me no longer did it; there was nothing that could take away this suffering.

"This user has blocked you."

"Come back, please."

There was no reason to keep calling that familiar number that I knew by memory, but a part deep inside of me didn't want to lose hope. I didn't want to give it up.

"Hey, what's up? I'm sorry, I can't answer you right now, but as soon as I can I'll call you back, party city has me a bit busy."

I grinned when I heard her answering machine again. When we were kids, there was a girl who used to mocked Sharon because of the way she dressed, saying she came from party city, but she used to take it with humor. And although it wasn't healthy to call her just to hear her voice on the answering machine, it brought me some peace in my disastrous life.

"Come back, please."

On the beach, there were some people enjoying the afternoon, playing and laughing, everything in their lives seemed perfect. I liked going to my secret place when I wanted peace and tranquility, but I didn't dare go back, everything reminded me of her. In fact, if I closed my eyes and concentrated enough, I could feel her close to me, I could see her precious honey-colored eyes and her blushing cheeks, her long golden curls and her pink lips muttering an "I love you."

But now there was only that. Simple memories that were not going to come back.

And if only time could return, I would change so many things. I would spend more time with Sharon and kiss Trixie even more without knowing that I wouldn't be able to do it anymore.

I never questioned anything. Everything was too good to be true, I had met the woman of my life, and I enjoyed more and more living with my family and friends, maybe it was the way of the destiny to tell me that I didn't appreciate it enough, or better yet: that I didn't deserve it.

"Hey, can I sit down?"

I looked up to find Patricia's dark and tired eyes.

"Of course."

She sat beside me without saying anything else, looking around as I did, at the waves, the sunset, and at the happiness of the others. Only our breaths heard, and it was fine until she broke that comfortable silence in which we found ourselves.

"We haven't spoken of what happened," I didn't know exactly which of all my problems she meant.

"Maybe I don't want to."

"Maybe you need it."

I sighed heavily.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I didn't expect you to go through the same as I did so young," her voice broke "I didn't expect you to lose your best friend too soon."

I sighed again, avoiding seeing her eyes.

The only exception.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now