I don't want to miss a thing

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Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing

Katya's POV.

I hadn't been able to sleep all night, every time I tried to close my eyes, the image of Trixie crying, appeared in my head. I'd ruined everything, and now I didn't know how to fix it.

"Hey," I said as Brianna walked into the kitchen.

She completely ignored me, took an apple, and left without even looking at me. Great, I had another girl mad at me.

Sharon came in and only laughed at my miserable state.

"I fucked it up, isn't it?"

"Yeah, a lot," she replied, laughing "But you can fix it,"

"How? I literally told her that I fucked Violet and I acted like a jerk ignoring her all week,"

"What are you so afraid of, Kats?"


The sound of the bell took me completely from my thoughts. Sharon went to open while I was finishing my coffee.

"Where she is?" I heard the voice of Alaska go into the kitchen "You, fucking idiot!"

She came running to me but before she could do anything else. Sharon held her tightly around her waist.

"Alaska, calm down!" the dark-haired asked.

"Because of her, Trixie is suffering!" she screamed angrily as the twins and Blair came in curious "She doesn't deserve that!"

"Listen, I really didn't mean for this to happen,"

"Oh, but of course not!" she scoffed "Fix this Zamo and quick,"

"What the fuck I do? She doesn't want to see me,"

"And what did you want? That she waits for you with open arms?" she asked, taking Noodle's hand "Buy her rock candy, but only pink, these are her favorites," she said going out with and taking Sharon away.

The four of us were in an awkward silence.

"Well, what are you still doing here?" Bri asked cross-arms.

"Brianna!" Aqua scolded her.

"What? I like Trixie, she's not how you think,"

She just rolled her eyes to go upstairs angrily.

"Yeah, she's definitely not like Aquaria thinks, she's the sweetest, most beautiful angel being on the planet," I said, taking my jacket.

"You couldn't say that before? We would have saved ourselves that whole show last night,"

I took my keys and went out, looking for the honey-eyed princess.


And here I was, in front of her house, thinking what I was going to tell her, or better yet, how I was going to get in? Anyway, I finally rang the bell hoping she'd let me in.

"Uh, hi," I said at what seemed to be her mother.

"What do you need?" she asked, looking at me with contempt.

"Katya? Oh come in, come in," Sam said smiling as I internally thanked God for finding her.

"Do you know this... Lady?"

"Of course, she's Trixie's friend, she's actually waiting for her," she said, holding my hand and introducing me into the room.

"Excuse me," I tried to say politely, and I can swear that all the hangover I had from last night was completely gone when I saw the look her mother gave me "Is she really waiting for me?" I asked when we were alone on the stairs.

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