Walking on sunshine

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I used to think maybe you loved me now baby I'm sure
And I just can't wait till the day when you knock on my door

Trixie's POV

"Lasky don't get mad!"

"Trixie! You promised me we'd watch the damn movie as soon as it came!" she protested, crossing her arms.

"I know and I'm really sorry, but Katya..."

"Katya this, Katya that," she scoffed and frowned "You don't have time for me anymore,"

"Don't be dramatic, we can go another day,"

"Just if Katya doesn't say: Oh Trixie, don't go with the idiot of Alaska and come to kiss me," she said, trying to imitate my pretty blonde Russian's accent.

"It's not fair that you blame me for once that I can't go when you've canceled me more times for going with a Sharon,"

"That's not true!"

"Of course, it is! 'I can't go, Sharon is sick', 'can we reschedule? Sharon's goldfish died', 'Sharon is hungry, and I need to make her a sandwich because her finger hurts and she can't do it alone..."

"Okay, okay, I get it," she interrupted me "But it's just that Katya is taking up all of your time lately, and I feel like it's more important than me now," she admitted, biting her lower lip.

"Are you jealous?" I asked, trying to hold a smile.


"Oh baby, you don't have to be, you know I love you very much," I said, holding her hand.

"I love you too, Tracy," she laughed, hugging me tightly "Remember, I was your first girlfriend,"

"Sure Lasky, how can I forget it?"

"Can I have a small kiss?" she asked, pouting her lips.

I just rolled my eyes before I laid a quick peck on her lips. Sometimes she used to be very jealous.

"You're my best bestie," she said with a smile on her face as she tangled her longs arms around my neck "Thank you for loving me, baby,"

"You're the best Lasky in the world," I joked, hugging her tiny waist.

Alaska was such a special person in my life that the idea of imagining my life without her scared me. Some girls in the institute thought we were a couple, and even though they were trying to intimidate us, we couldn't care less, in fact, there was a rumor going around that I'd reject Jessie for having a secret relationship with Lasky.

And speaking of Jessie, things didn't get any better. It was uncomfortable to feel him staring at me as I left school or to find flowers in my locker with her name on it (which god knows how he knew what my locker was, or better yet, how did he get them in). I tried to ignore him, but it was kind of hard, something told me I should keep an eye on him.

"Guess who I am," someone said, taking me away from my thoughts and covering my eyes.

That beautiful voice was impossible to forget.

"I don't know, a Russian accent? I've never heard anything like that," I laughed, following her little game.

"I'll give you a hint, you're dying for me," she whispered in my ear.

"Zac Efron?" I asked, joking.

"Beatrice Mattel!" she screamed, pretending to be offended.

"Well, you can't compare yourself with Zac Efron, he has been Tracy's wet dream since she was twelve,"

The only exception.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now