If I die young

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A penny for my thoughts, oh no I'll sell them for a dollar
They're worth so much more after I'm a goner
And maybe then you'll hear the words I been singin'
Funny when you're dead how people start listenin'

Katya's POV

People kept coming in, and offering their condolences to Patricia and from once in a while to the twins.

Sharon's family considered me nothing more than a burden (except for her granny), they never recognized me as her family, and I was okay with that. I only cared about being a family of the girls and Patricia.

None of them visited them regularly, a couple even thought that the one who had died was Aquaria. No one knew Sharon enough to deserve being here.

"Are you okay?" Naomi asked me, sitting next to me.

"Uh, yeah," I answered weakly.

"Why are you still lying?"

"What else should I do?"

She only sighed, taking a lock of hair behind her ear.

"You can tell the truth."

"Don't be offended, I really love you and everything, but I don't want to talk about this with you" I answered, looking in the direction of Alaska, the girl looked completely destroyed.

"I understand," she said calmly, "But if you need me, you can ask me for anything, really, at any time."

"Thank you."

I got up and went with Alaska. I think the poor girl was about to lose her head; she really looked so weak.

"Hello," I greeted her with a weak smile.

"Hi," she whispered.

We stood in silence, watching the photograph of the dark-haired girl in front of us. I remember the day I took that picture of her; it was one morning as we celebrated Patricia's birthday and remembered stupid stories making us laugh.

I came out of my little trance when the girl next to me took my hand to intertwine our fingers and put her head on my shoulder.

"Sharon would have hated all this," she said, barely audible, her voice sounded very hurt.

"I know," I replied, sighing, "she wouldn't have wanted to see you cry."

"She wanted to be by my side, but not everything is possible."

I was silent for a couple of seconds until we both broke it.

"I'm sorry," we said at the same time.

And again, we were silent.

Everyone started taking their places; I think it was time for the ceremony.

"How is Trixie?" the blonde girl next to me asked, seeing Sam come and hug Aquaria, and then kiss her.

"I don't know," I answered in a thread of a voice.

I hadn't t been able to talk to the doll since the party, and it had been two days since then. I wanted to call her but I couldn't, every part of me hurt and I felt like I would collapse if I heard her little voice break down and cry again.

"I thought she would come," I confessed a little disappointed to see that she wasn't here.

"Maybe her mother won't let her out," she admitted, tensing. "I'm worried about what she'll dare to do to her."

Our conversation ended there as the ceremony had begun.

I didn't understand why Patricia had brought a priest, and the ceremony was in a church, Sharon was atheist after all.

The only exception.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now