She's not afraid

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She's not afraid of all the attention
She's not afraid of running wild
How come she's so afraid of falling in love
She's not afraid of scary movies
She likes the way we kiss in the dark
But she's so afraid of falling in love

Katya's POV

Today was Monday, which meant I had to finish my photography project. I had to do something different because I could easily consider myself one of the best in class.

After the exciting Friday with the barbie, I'd been in more contact with her, and it's not like much happened, but I was able to convince her to let me photograph her for my project, although it was more an excuse to see her again. We agreed that I would pick her up after school to start the session and after a long morning full of anxieties to see her, finally, the time had come, and now I was outside of her institute waiting for her.

"Hey Katie, what are you doing here?" Aquaria asked to come up to me and take away my cigarette to smoke it.

"Give me that," I said angrily.

"Is that Bri's old helmet?" she asked again, pointing to her twin's pink helmet.


"Who are you waiting for?"

"What the hell are you? Police?"

"Hey idiots," Bri said, approaching with Blair "Why do you have my old helmet?"

"Oh great, another fucking police,"

"Hey, you're too tense, who are you waiting for? Because obviously, it's not us,"

And before I could say anything else, I could see the beautiful doll coming out laughing with Alaska, and I immediately had a stupid smile on my face. Her hair was half up with a pink pastel bow that matched perfectly with the pink sweater she was wearing.

"Oh no, tell me it's a fucking joke," Aquaria said, rolling her eyes irritated.

"Shut up, don't you dare be rude with her because I swear I'll burn all your fucking lipsticks, do you guys understand?"

"Whatever," they both responded to the unison while Blair just laughed funny.

"Besides, you like her sister," I made fun of Aquaria.

"Yeah, but Sam is not a pretentious jerk..."

"Hi, Barbie," I greeted the blonde to interrupt Aqua.

"Hello girls, hello Yekaterina," she said, giggling.

The twins laughed fakely and practically ignored what I asked for.

"So now anyone can call you Yekaterina, huh?" Brianna asked angrily "I thought that was just for family,"

"Oh, come on Bri, Trixie is not a stranger", Blair hurried to say when she saw that my face had totally changed.

"But she's not family," Aquaria said Sharply.

"I... I'm so sorry, I had no idea," the doll apologized, which made me even angrier.

"No, don't apologize, they're just being idiots," I spat with a stern voice.

"Hi!" Alaska greeted, hugging Trixie from behind and immediately realized the tension "What's going on? Who died?"

"I'm sorry?" Aquaria asked completely ignoring Alaska.

"What you heard guys stop acting like a couple of assholes, I'm sick of you talking to Trixie like that, as long as I'm here, I want you to respect her and not act like a pair of retards," I've never talked to them like this before, but I think it's time to do it.

The only exception.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now