She looks so perfect

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You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down

Katya's POV

I think I've never felt so nervous about meeting someone in my life, not even when I met Joan Jett I bite my nails as much as this time.

It was finally time to meet Trixie's father, and saying that I was nervous wasn't enough. What if he didn't like me? What if he was like my girlfriend's mother? I had only seen the woman once, and it was enough to know that she didn't like me and thought herself superior to me in every possible way. Trixie assured me that he was the sweetest man on the earth, but it was easy for her to tell this, the man saw her and Sam as the girls of his eyes, how the hell would he see the motorcyclist tattoed up to her neck that was dating her little princess?

"Hi, Bri,"

"Oh, hello, Kats, what's up?" she asked from the other line.

"I was wondering if you could help me to dress me up, tonight I'm going to meet Trixie's father, and I really want to look decent,"

"Are you serious? That's amazing!" she yelled excited "But now I can't Katie, I, um... I have a date," she said timidly.

"What? With who?" I asked a little jealous.

"Oh come on, you have better things to worry about now, and for your information, it will be with a pretty handsome guy," she said, giggling.

"But it's my duty to protect you..."

"Katie, I love you so much, but you need to understand that I'm not a child anymore, I can take care of myself," she said in a serene tone of voice.

I just sighed at that; I didn't want to accept it.

"Fine, but if you need me you can call me at any time,"

"I promise you, good luck meeting your father-in-law," she joked, giggling before cutting the call.

To my bad luck, just today, they were all busy. Aquaria was on a makeup course, Blair helping her father with the job, Courtney and Willam were drunk in the speed zone just like Naomi, and of course, there wasn't hint of Sharon and Alaska.

I really wanted to be presentable for her father, if I was the one who was organizing this, we would go for pizza in some ripped jeans and a rolling stones shirt, but her father insisted on having dinner in that stupidly luxurious restaurant where I had planned to take Trixie in our first date because of course, the man just like me, wanted the best of the best for the blonde little princess.

I had no choice but to go upstairs and let out a big sigh before knocking on the Jason and Crystal's room, where the woman opened with a confused smile.

"Oh, hi sweetie, what happens?" she asked with her characteristic sweet tone.

"Uh, I...," I scratched the back of my neck nervously.

"Is everything all right?"

Come on, Katya! Swallow your damn pride, do it for Trixie!

"I need your help," I asked, looking at her nervously.

Her eyes opened with surprise, but she didn't hesitate for a second to answer me.

"Sure," she said with a smile as she moved to let me pass. In the room, she was alone with a bowl of popcorn, and the movie pretty woman was paused in the TV "What can I do for you?"

The only exception.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now