Make you feel my love

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When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one there to dry your tears
Oh, I hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love

Trixie's POV

It was a Friday night; I had finished my homework, and after changing my clothes, I finally decided to go to sleep when I heard a noise in the window that made me startle, but I decided to ignore it to go to bed.

I growled when I heard the noise again and reluctantly got up to open the curtains and see a beautiful Russian in the window.

"Katya? Are you crazy?" I asked quite surprised as I opened the window.

"Just a little," she joked.

"What are you doing here? You come for me as Rapunzel?"

"Something like that," she said, as I clung to her body, taking me by the waist "Nice pajamas," she laughed.

"Hey! Don't mock me," I replied, looking at my kitty pajamas.

"I don't mock, it's just as adorable, as you are," she whispered, kissing my nose.

"What are you doing here, Yekaterina? Don't you have a race today?"

"Yes, but it's always better to be with you than with a bunch of assholes trying to kill me for trying to win a race," she said gently kissing my cheeks "Besides, I'm here to take you on a date,"

I just laughed at her words.

"Yeah, of course," I answered without stopping laughing.

"What is so funny?"

"The date part,"

"It's serious princess, you might want to get a coat, it's a little chilly out there," she said, letting me go to lie down on my bed while I watched her incredulous, "What? You told me to surprise you,"

"Katya, it's after 11, and my mother can come in at any time,"

"But she won't, Sam gave her a sleeping pill, and most likely she won't wake up until tomorrow," she confessed as if nothing.

"What?" I shouted, confused.

"Hey, lower your voice pretty, she didn't give anything to your father because he is a heavy sleeper, but he could hear you,"

"Yekaterina! Are you crazy? How could you give that to my mother? How did Sam agree to that shit?" I asked without believing it yet.

"Honestly, I had no idea what her plan was; Sam just gave me that she would take care of your mother if I got a list of Aquaria's favorite things," she said laughing.

Sam and Aquaria? I guess I had to start getting the idea that my little sister liked the twin who hated me to death.

"Still, it's a bit late," I sigh.

"Come on, Trix, I swear you'll love it," she said as I sat on her lap "Please princess, come with me, I want to reward you for the terrible night I had and you were there for me,"

"You don't have to reward me for that, I would do it again without thinking twice," I said, wrapping my arms around her neck as I lay a deep kiss on her soft lips.

"You're an angel," she replied when we parted "But I still want to take you on a date,"

"Fine," I said, rolling my eyes funnily "I'm going to change, should I wear something elegant?"

"Not this time,"

"Thank god," I joked.

I put on a pair of denim jeans and a pink sweater a couple of bigger sizes. Katya said I didn't have to wear makeup, but I totally ignored her and I still did it; I liked being pretty for her.

The only exception.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now