Little sister

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Tell me little dear if you only lived here
Did you really ever live at all
Cause you'd be amazed in the summer how the days
Of the spring turn into fall

Katya's POV

"Say it again,"

"I love you,"

"Once again, please,"

"I love you, doll,"

"Now, in Russian!"

"я люблю тебя,"

"Well, enough! Do you want to shut up? I try to see the damn movie," Sharon yelled, making us laugh.

"Fine, let's go to the yard, princess," I said, taking her by the hand and taking her to the backyard "You look prettier than usual,"

"Katya, you've told me like 5 times today," she said with a grin, wrapping her arms around me.

"It's the truth,"

"Well, I had to look nice for such a special occasion,"

We were at my house, we waited for dinner time, to go to Sharon's house, where I would introduce her to Patricia as the girl who I was officially dating.

"Are you nervous?" I asked curiously as I was lighting a cigarette.

"Uh, a little bit if I'm honest," she admitted, adjusting my hair.

"You have no reason to be; I'm more than sure that she will love you,"

"Do you think so?"

"I know, you're hard to dislike someone," I said, caressing her waist.

"Well, Violet and Aquaria think differently," she joked.

"Shut up, Aquaria is just jealous, and Violet is a fool so we won't count her opinion," I answered, making both of us laugh "Give me a kiss, gorgeous,"

"Nu-uh, don't even think I'm going to smell like cigarettes,"

"Come on, it's just a kiss, it's not as if you were going to smell exactly like me afterward,"

"Fine, but quickly,"

I snuffed my cigarette to join our lips excitedly. We kissed a couple of minutes before being interrupted by Noodles.

"Hey, stop fucking in the middle of the garden, dinner is ready," she said, making the princess blushing "Barbie, don't get offended, but you smell like Katya,"

"Like Katya?"

"Like cigarettes,"

Her beautiful face paled, and I couldn't help but laugh, making her give me a look that she managed me to stop.

"Okay, I'm going to wipe my mouth and put me into a thousand layers of perfume," she told us, going to the bathroom.



"I love you,"

Her cheeks turned into a cute scarlet color, making Sharon and I laugh at how adorable she was.

"Katya, we've lost you," Noodles mocked me once the doll had entered the bathroom.

"Oh, for sure,"


"And if she hates me?"

"Trixie, that could never happen,"

"I didn't bring flowers," she whispered more to herself.

The only exception.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now