I hate myself for loving you

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I hate myself for loving you
Can't break free from the the things that you do
I wanna walk but I run back to you that's why
I hate myself for loving you

Trixie's POV

It was Saturday in the afternoon; I was talking with Lasky while she was trying to take me into the speed zone. Since she saw me making out with Katya, she'd been completely unbearable, and she was doing nothing but trying to get us to see each other.

And speaking of the Russian, she'd been avoiding me since the photo shoot. I didn't understand what I'd done wrong, but whatever I did, I regretted it a lot. I probably said something stupid, or maybe I'd been so immature, I was pretty sorry. In all the rest of the week, she didn't go to the Institute for the twins; she didn't answer my texts and calls. I must admit it; the cravings were killing me, so once and for all, I decided to go to the speed zone to confront her. Trixie Mattel doesn't stand by.

It was getting dark, and I was almost ready for Lasky to pick me up, even though I was still hesitant to wear Katya's jacket, I decided to wear it. I had nothing to lose, after all.

I went down to meet the blonde's car where she was alone, without Sharon for the first time in a long time.

"Hi baby, nice jacket," she mocked me, by starting her mom's car.

"Shut up," I said, smiling "And Sharon?"

"She's probably already there, she took her motorcycle,"

"Are you running with her today?"

"I hope so, today the muses run too," she said laughing.

"What is a muse?"

"For what Sharon has explained to me, it's the girls who motivate them to run and wish them luck when they don't run with them, it's a tradition of the place," she explained funnily "I heard the names of his muses are tattoed as thanks,"

"Did Sharon get your name tattoed?"

"No, not yet, but can you imagine her doing it? It would be amazing," she said with a gigantic smile.

"It would be stupid,"

"Well, I think it would be very adorable," she answered with a cute laugh.

We didn't talk the rest of the way; in my head, it was just a stupid question: Katya would have a muse? That question was killing me, and I wished so hard the answer was negative.

When we got to the place, they gave me even more cravings, it was full of old people that I definitely didn't know. It was more than obvious that I didn't belong there because I stood out with my pastel yellow blouse and blue jeans, the only thing that made me look unnoticed was Katya's jacket. Lasky took my hand when she saw that I was lost and we headed to where her gothic girlfriend was.

"Noodles!" Alaska yelled excitedly to let go of my hand and embrace the dark-haired.

"Hey baby," she said to kiss her "Hi Trixie,"

"Hi Sharon," I greeted while Blair and Brianna approached, who stopped smiling to look each other worriedly.

"Trixie, we didn't know you were coming," Blair said, a little uncomfortable.

"Uh yeah, I don't have to do a lot," I answered, trying not to sound weird "What's going on?"

"Nothing! It's just weren't expecting you," Brianna rushed to say before the other girl could answer; something was definitely going on "Blair, how about you take Trixie to see the mural we did?"

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