You're all I need

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I want to hold and kiss her
Give her my love
Make her believe
'Cause she doesn't know

Trixie's POV

It was our first Christmas without daddy, which I can say depressed me in a superhuman way because mom had behaved differently the last months with us, and I didn't feel so comfortable being with her.

"Sweetie, can you pass me the honey, please?" my mom asked while we were having breakfast. I just nodded before I passed it on, and I kept eating "Are you ready for tonight's party?,"

Every year mom used to plan a stupid party to celebrate Christmas.

She invited a lot of persons from the boutique and different designers. Dad made it a little bearable, but without him being here, Sam and I would go crazy.

"Uh, yeah, I guess..." Sam replied without interest.

"Beatrice, Jessie is coming tonight?"

Her question startled me and Sam looked at me with her eyes wide open in surprise gesturing a "she doesn't know?,"

"Uh, mom," I rambled nervously before sighing heavily and releasing the news that would drive her crazy "Jessie and I are not dating anymore,"

Her face turned pale, making the moron of Sam's drop a laugh.

"What?! Why?!" she asked angrily.

"Mom, Jessie is a jerk and if I didn't tell you before it was because of this, I knew you would be able of defend him before me who am your daughter," I exclaimed angrily.

"That's not true! But you could try it again, maybe if you invite him tonight..."

"No, don't even think about it," I interrupted her before she could finish saying her bullshit "Jessie and I are not, and will not be anything, it will never pass!"

"What's wrong with you, Beatrice? Are you crazy? Jessie was the perfect guy!" she yelled exasperated at me, making both of us startle.

"He's not perfect, he's a fucking asshole!" I screamed so furiously that I shocked Sam and the girls who were decorating the house turned to see me "Understand it, Jessie never loved me, and I'll never love him," I said, before going up and locking myself in my room.

I let go a thousand tears of frustration. Frustration because of the dumb fight in Christmas, frustration because dad wasn't here, because Katya wasn't here either, but mostly because Jessie still had the minimum power to spoil my days and I hated so much to let him do it.

I decided to call the only person who makes me happy at my sad moments but instead, I only found her answer machine.

"Hi, it's Katya, for the moment I can't speak but leave your message, if I care I'll call you back, and if you're my moon... Well, I love you,"

My eyes filled with tears again, although this time they were of joy, only she could do this. But my little private moment was interrupted by a clumsy Sam coming in without knocking at my door.

"Are you okay, Tracy? Please don't cry, you know how mom gets too unbearable sometimes," she said, rambling.

"Listen to this," I answered with a smile as I called Katya, where I could hear her answer machine again.

"She's so ridiculous," Sam joked, making me laugh.

"Shut up!"

"You know I'm right," she laughed with me as she dried my tears "You are better now?"

The only exception.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now