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On the day that you were born the angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold and starlight in your eyes of blue

Trixie's POV

I was getting ready for my date with Katya. I really hope she's as excited as I am. I had no idea how I was supposed to dress until Sam finally help me pick out a short, baby blue dress that went perfectly with my makeup; I hope it wasn't too much.

"Where she will take you?" Sam asked as she was looking through my makeup bag.

"I don't know, she said it would be a surprise," I said, adjusting my curls.

"You should take condoms, just in case,"

"Are you crazy?" I asked laughing.

"No, I'm serious, I read recently that there are condoms for lesbians," she said with some innocence in her voice.

"Samantha, I..."

Our strange conversation was interrupted by the sound of my cell phone which made me jump; Katya was already here?, My chest felt a great relief realizing it wasn't her, but it was Sharon instead.

"Hello?" I responded with some confusion in my voice.

"Hi Trixie, I, um, I don't know how to tell you this," she said nervously.

"Everything okay? Are they all right? Lasky is okay? Katya?" In an instant, I became paranoid.

"I'm really sorry, but Katya won't be able to go to your date today,"

I felt my body tense before her words. Katya was canceling me? She didn't want to see me again? I felt so angry that I involuntarily began to cry no matter how much I ruined my makeup that it takes me hours.

"Wanna know something? I don't care, and please tell her not to look for me anymore, this..."

"No! Listen, she begged me not to tell you anything but the truth is she's not okay, today is the anniversary of her mother's death and the memory makes her weak," she said with sadness in her voice.

I felt like a complete idiot to hear that, I'm selfish as hell.

"Oh my god, is she okay? I'm a horrible person; I'm so sorry,"

"Don't worry Barbie, I talked with her and she already took her meds, I hope that calms her down,"

"Can I talk to her?" I asked without stop crying.

"Well, she's not here, she's at home," I had no idea where her house was.

"Take me to her, please, I need to see her,"

"I don't think it's a good idea,"

"I'm begging you Sharon, I have to make sure she's okay... I really like her, and I'm very worried about her,"

"Fine, she probably gonna kill me, but it doesn't matter, Alaska and I are coming for you right now,"

"You have no idea how much I appreciate it," I said so much quieter.

"You don't have to say it, Barbie,"

Was it so bad that she didn't want to talk to me? I didn't say it in a tone of complaint; I was so worried about her, it was usually the Russian who took care of me, but I think this time it was my turn to do it.


It didn't take long for Sharon and Alaska to pick me up. I didn't even bother to take off the dress I was wearing for our date, I even corrected my makeup a little bit, I wanted to look pretty for her. Both girls were worried for Katya, maybe Sharon was more concerned about her than I was, and that just meant one thing that couldn't be good.

The only exception.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now