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Dreon's POV

Its been six months since everything went down and to be honest life was great.

Tredo had everybody thinking that some new young niggas had robbed Kaleb and killed Ty. We made it seem like I found the niggas who did it, took all the dope and money back then killed them. So now I was  running shit. Tredo wanted out of the game so he left it all to me, of course I gave him enough money to live comfortably.

I changed everything Kaleb had going on. First thing I did was clean house. It was too easy for me to get information so I wanted to make sure whoever was working for me wouldn't open their mouth no matter what.

I hand picked the people I wanted working for me, which was only 6 people. GT & Sam being my top dogs. They ran all my operations, all I did was collect the money from them. I wanted my hands completely clean especially since Briana was now 8 months pregnant and my baby boy was due any day now.

We moved out of the house my Dad got me the next morning after everything happened with his crazy ass. Tiana lived right next door to us. She was 7 months pregnant and depressed as hell. I moved her close to keep an eye on her. I aint want my little sister out here trying to commit suicide or something.

It really was fucked up what my dad did to her. Aint neither of us talked to that nigga since then. I actually moved us as far away from that nut brain as possible.

Briana and T had both turned 18 and graduated on time and walked with their class. Briana's brother showed up but I guess her Mom still wasn't fucking with her. I was proud of her though, she was enrolled in college and would start this fall. The girl is 18, about to have a newborn baby and still wanted to go to school. Her ambition turned me on.

Me on the other hand, I completely dropped out of school. I guess I was a real drug dealer now. I dressed like one, even started acting like one. Its like this lifestyle was made for me and Im loving every bit of it.

Fast forwarding to present day, Briana & T was out with the event planner getting everything set for the baby shower that was this weekend. The girls was having their shower together which i expected since the beginning.

Briana had this  idea to do a Winter Wonderland theme. She really was going all out for this shower. Money was endless so I told her to get as crazy as she wanted. She ended up adding the nursery to the list of things for the event planner to do. Im not sure how she convinced her to do both, I guess money talks.

The nursery was also a Winter Wonderland theme, which actually made sense because our son name is Wynter. I hate that shit to be honest but when I told B that, the emotional ass girl started crying and made me sleep on the couch until I agreed to the name. Ima have to teach my son how to fight cause I can already tell he gone get picked on with that fruity ass name. I wanted my son to be a Jr. but she wasn't going for that since Im named after my Dad's middle name.

Briana & T came through the front door loud as fuck with the event planner, Dana. Normally I would've been annoyed but its been forever since I seen my little sister genuinely smiling.

"Girl that man was stupid. I dunno why niggas still try to fuck with pregnant girls." Dana said

"Right, aint no step daddy boy bye." Briana responded

"What the fuck yall talking about? What nigga tried fucking with you."

"Boy hush. It dont matter cause I aint go for it." She replied

"Yeah alright Briana, dont get fucked up."

"Im sorry. I didnt mean to cause any trouble." Dana said

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