Twenty Three

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Briana's pov

"There she go, come on"

Pow !

"Wow, you didn't have to kill her what the fuck B, he said beat her ass." Tiana said

"She played with the safety of my baby. I ain't tolerating none of that when it comes to Ny."

"I feel you I guess. Hurry up and lets go though bitch. We standing here lolly gagging like you aint just shoot this bitch."

"Hold on." I said emptying the whole clip in this bitch. "Had to make sure she was dead."

"Briana you need help, girl come on."

Running back to the car, I dropped my phone. As I reached down to pick it up, I seen somebody standing across the street watching. I ran back to the car and grabbed Tiana's gun since I was out of bullets and killed the by stander. Walking up to the body, I took his phone and jumped back in the car.

"B are you good?, like beating a bitch up is one thing but you just killed 2 people with no remorse." Tiana questioned

"Im good T. Swear."

Focusing my attention to the phone I just took from the dead, I learned that his name was Tim also known as "Lil T". He was 22 yrs old and a GD. He had a few bitches but only one was saved under "Wife". Going through their messages, I found out her name was Tara and she was pregnant with twins. I kinda felt bad to be honest. I wasn't worried about being caught though, with him being a gang banger the news would probably think he was killed because of gang violence and the daycare worker was an innocent bystander.

Picking up my phone, I called Nell filling him in on what happened.

"Dont worry about it, i'll handle it. In the meantime work on buying that daycare... Actually I ah pay for it and put everything in yo name. Do what you want with it." Nell explained

"I already got Dana working on it. She should be calling me tomorrow morning. Where Ny?"

"She right here, sleeping."

"Okay Im bouta come over."

"Iight. Love you." Nell said

I hung up the phone without another word. Me and Nell have said "I love you" plenty of times but I was tryna slow down because he seems to think we're in a relationship and we're not.

Me and Tiana drove to an open field where our cars were parked and burned the stolen car we drove in. We never did dirt in our cars because obviously it ah make it to easy for the police or somebody to identify us. We burned the car to burn any evidence of us even being in the car. We're girls but we are smart with this shit.

Anyways, after that was done I went home to shower and pack my overnight bag and headed to Nell's house. Once I arrived, we ate pizza and watched How to Get Away With Murder. The episode was just getting good, when my phone went off with a text message.

Blocked Id: I know what you just did. You will pay.
Me: What? who is this?
Blocked Id: Thats not needed information right now. You'll find out soon enough. In the meantime to keep me quiet, I need $5,000 send to a private account. WEEKLY.
Me: Go to hell 🤣
Blocked Id: You already tried sending me there. It didnt work.

Instead of responding back I decided to just block the number but couldn't because the id was blocked.

"Nell, look at this shit." I said showing him my phone

"What the fuck. I thought you said nobody seen yall?" He questioned

"They didnt. I made sure of it."

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