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Tiana's POV

"....So she gave me and your father a baby & kept one. When we split up I kept Briana and raised her. Thats how you have 2 different Mothers. Briana isn't biologically mines." Briana's so called Mom explained

"But you had to know too. How didn't you know?" I asked

"The only person I knew about was Kaleb, until her big brother Dee told me she was getting engaged to some dude named Dre. I didn't think it was her own brother."

"This is too much. My own momma didn't even tell me I had a twin sister. I feel so betrayed."

Everybody just sat there in complete silence until the doctor came out with information.

"Parents of Wynter." The doctor called out

Dre jumped to his feet and ran towards the doctor. I followed behind him.

"Are you the parents?" He asked

"Im his dad and this is my sister." Dre responded

"Okay, follow me into my office. There are a few things I need to show you."

We did as told and followed the doctor down the long hallway. My nerves were bad, I was so anxious and nervous hoping he was about to give us good news.

We finally reached the office and the doctor had some type of DNA strand chart on the screen.

"What Im looking at Doc." My brother asked

"Well sir, when a couple mates and conceive a child, that child gets 23 chromosomes from each parent. On the screen is a visual representation of your son's chromosomes. The areas that are the same are runs of homozygosity, which means parts that are the same on both chromosomes which can only happen when the parents of that child are related."

Nobody said a word. Just complete silence.

Im not sure what was running through my brother's head right now but I know my mind was all over the place. This is really some sick, nasty ass shit. But its not even Dre & Briana's fault because they didn't know.... I still cant believe we're twins.

The doctor cleared his throat pulling me from my thoughts.

"That's not all. Sir I told you that so you can understand what Im about to say next.! Your son suffers from mental retardation. His brain cells are not fully functioning and never will be. During the crash he suffered from severe blood loss and head trauma which caused his brain to swell. We were able to stabilize him after his surgery, but Im afraid he's been declared brain dead. His brain has no function left. It's now up to you to decide on what you want to do. I'll give you some time to think."

Without another word the doctor got up and escorted us out his office. His energy was way off and I kind of felt like he was judging us. He acted as if he had no sympathy.

I looked over at my brother who was silently crying and I just hugged him. I didn't know what else there was to do. I just prayed and hoped that Briana pulled through. But even if she did, who was gone tell her that her baby daddy/Fiancé is also her brother, She's a twin, her son is an inbreed baby who's brain dead, her nanny died and her mom isnt even her real mom.... Ima leave that up to Dre to tell her.

This pain run deeper than the ocean.

Dreon's POV

Emptiness is all I felt right now. I just lost my whole family in one night. Everybody except Tiana.

My dad is dead to me, I fuck around and kill that nigga myself. My son is mentally dead now I have to decide if I want to keep him alive or let him go. The love of my life is my fucking sister. How the hell am I supposed to just go back to being in a relationship with my damn sister. That shit was over with. I pray to God that Briana pull through but it was over with for me and her. Only thing is, Im not sure how Im going to tell her all this man.

I need somebody to talk to. Somebody who's not effected by this situation. The only person I could think to call was GT.

"Wassam nigga." He said when he answered the phone

"Aye man. Where you at I need you." I told him

"Im inna hood. Wassup my nigga you good?"

"Hell naw bro. Pull up to the 'spital and bring some smoke."

"Say less dawg, Im onna way."

"Bet." I said before hanging up

At this point me and Tiana was the only ones left at the hospital. I told her go home to her kids and told the hospital to call me soon as they have information on Briana. By time I was done handling that, GT was outside.

"Whats going on?" He asked while handing me the blunt

"Man so Briana and the baby was in a real bad accident, our nanny end up dying. B and the baby was in surgery, he's out but brain dead and they haven't even updated me on Briana yet."

I hit the blunt repeatedly while he sat there staring at me.

"Man nigga you my brother and I love you so i just feel like its okay for me to hug you right now my nigga cause I know you need it." He said

I didn't even get a chance to tell him no because he already pulled me into his embrace. I didn't even realize that I started crying.

"I dont know how you feel, I dont know what to say to make the shit better but just know Im here for you dawg." He said while letting me go

" I appreciate it man but that's not even the worst part."

He turned in his seat to face me completely.

"Whats worse than that Dre?" He asked

"Briana & Tiana are twins." I said

"Okay, whats so bad about that? They bestfriends anyways."

I just sat there staring at this dummy.

He sat there staring back smoking the blunt. His eyes grew big then he started choking on the smoke.

I guess he finally caught on to what Im saying.

"Hold the fuck up!" He yelled. "Wait, aint you and Tiana brother and sister?"


"Buuttt her and Briana are twins?"


"But yo moms died, and T moms still alive which means yall got the same Dad?"


"But if her and B are twins, they got the same momma and daddy."

"Mhm. Right again." I said

"Which means you and B got the same fucking Dad yo!!" He yelled


"Dawg what type of lifetime movie shit is this?"

I sighed and started filling him in on everything that happened.
"Yeah so now I just dont know what to do about my son and I dont know how Ima tell Briana all this if she pulls through." I explained

"Ima be real blunt about this. Just remember you the one who asked for advice."

I laughed and nodded, giving him the okay to continue.

"I know you love yo son but that is the product of the devil, let him go. As far as yo pops kill that nigga. As far as Briana, if doctors say she good then go see her one last time. Write her a letter telling her everything that happened and go away for a few months to get yo mind right. Let Tiana handle B."

I sat there thinking about everything he was saying. He had a good idea but I dont know if I wanted to be that harsh about it.

Just as I was about to get out and head to my car, The doctors called telling me Briana's surgery was complete and she's expected to make a full recovery.

"That's good and bad news." Gt said

"Right man. How the fuck am I about to do this."

I decided to go home and pop a perk. I need to unwind.

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