twenty six

163 6 5

Tiana's Pov
Life been real boring without my sister. I really was scared that Kaleb had finally caught up with her ass but the Tre said the detective showed pictures of the nigga Jarrell and for some odd reason Dreon been following her. Im not sure if he's in on this or tryna save her. I just want my sister home man. I dont do nothing but watch the kids all day. We dont want the kids in daycare after what happened with Ny'Ell and the center that B was supposed to open been on hold since she disappeared. I still been paying her mortgage and other bills just in case she comes back. I be online looking up stuff and I check her social media hourly just in case she tries to reach out.

I was in the kitchen making the kids lunch when a instagram notification came through. I had a follow request from somebody named "Twins Forever". I instantly thought it was Briana and accepted the request & requested to follow them too. They accepted my request fast as fuck, my heart was beating fast as I clicked to go to the page and see the pictures. My heart dropped when I realized it wasn't Briana. It was so coincidental though I was almost certain it was her. I felt a tear starting to form in my eyes as I scrolled through my camera roll to find a good picture of me and my sister to post. After finding one I posted it with the caption "Sissy where are you 😔" Comments quickly rolled in, you know the usual "Praying for a safe return" "Hope you find her".

"Eat Eat, Eat Eat." Baby Tyler cried out

"Im coming son."

I got off my phone and attended to my kids and niece. Ny wasn't biologically my niece but Briana loved her like her own so that was enough for me to love her too.

Damn sis, where you at?

Briana's Pov

It's been a few days since I met Treasure at the mall. I had ended up by an iphone 11 pro and I also bought a little android that I told nobody about. The phone could only text or call and was on minutes so I had no plans on using it until the time was right. I always kept it on me though.

I was trying to act as normal as possible and to be honest Jarrell wasn't that bad of a dude. I mean yeah he basically kidnapped me but I had free will. Like i wasnt trapped in a basement or nothing. But he did make it clear that if I wasnt in the house every night by 9pm there would be problems. I seen a little of his crazy side already and I wasnt about to find out how crazy he actually was so I followed the rules. He said I wasnt aloud in no cars but the ones he got me, which made me feel like he had a tracker on them. He didnt even want me to have a passcode on my phone.

I told him about Treasure and he said to invite her over. Today was the day she was coming so I spent the day cooking dinner. I made roast, cabbage, baked macaroni and cornbread. By time she came everything was just getting done. I was looking forward to this because I still didn't know if I could trust her or not. If she was in on his little scheme I would definitely be able to tell after today.

"Hey girl your house is nice as hell." Treasure said handing me a bottle of wine

"Thanks boo. My man keep me in nothing but the best."

"Thats right, wassup Im Jarrell." He said shaking her hand

"Oh hey, Im..."

"Treasure, I know. B told me." He said cutting her off.

She swallowed hard and that pretty much told me what I needed to know. They already knew each other. Now how well do they know each other.

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