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Tiana POV

I sat in the waiting room waiting for Dre to come out and tell me what happened. I know I should of stayed in the room with B but I just couldn't watch them constantly perform CPR on that baby like that.

"Hey, whats going on." Dee asked

"Uh, She's pushing still." I lied

I wasn't about to be the one to tell everyone what had happened especially when I don't even know if the baby made it or not.

Most people from the shower was here waiting and I was really hoping this would be a happy ending. She just got proposed to at her baby shower, its crazy how things can go so wrong so fast.

This whole situation had me missing my babies. I went to the NICU to see my son. He was finally off of the feeding tube and was scheduled to come home this upcoming week. All this that just happened with Briana made me appreciate my man and my kids 1000 times more.

I sat in the NICU with Baby Tyler for about 20 minutes before returning to the waiting room. I damn near lost my mind when I seen this busted ass hoe sitting here with GT and Nell.

"You must of lost yo mind coming here." I yelled

GT and Nell both looked confused.

"Nell what you doing with this crazy ass bitch anyways." I asked

"Yo T, chill out. This my Bm." Nell responded

I couldn't hold in my laugh. "I know you aint get this nut case knocked up. She must aint tell you who she really is."

"Wait yall know each other? I thought you was from Florida." Nell asked Taylor

"I am bae. I dont know this lady." She replied

"Oh so you aint Taylor, the same Taylor that use to he bestfriends with Briana until you fucked her dude Kaleb causing them to break up then ran off with funeral money once he died? Okay." I laughed

"Nell you always picking these crazy ass bitches" Gt said

"Wait, thats why you wanted to name our kid Kaleb or Briana ? Aw bitch I should smack taste out yo mouth."

"No baby, she lying I dont know her." Taylor pleaded

Nell stood up and grabbed her by the back of her neck leading her to the exit. I was enjoying the show so I followed them.

"You got until the time I leave this hospital to have all yo shit out my house. Fuck you and that baby. Yo best bet is to get an abortion you free loading lying ass bitch." Nell said while throwing her into the parking lot.

"Remember that bitch. Ima make you eat yo words. You and that bitch gone get it." Taylor said.

"Yeah whatever bitch." I laughed

Me and Nell walked back into the waiting room and Dre was out there talking to the crowd.

".... Yeah man he looks just like me." He said while showing them a picture on his phone.

"T, I came out here for you. Briana wants you. Um yall can all go home foreal. She dont want no visitors. Thank Yall though." Dre said

I followed him back to the room making sure to fill him in on all the drama that just happened.

"Man that bitch got issues. Dont tell Briana none of this, Ill handle it."

"You dont need to handle nothing. That aint yo drama that's Nell drama." I told him

"Yeah but she a problem from our past and she threatened you so that alone made it my drama. . . plus Gt like blood so his lil bro is like my lil bro."

"Yeah whatever. Speaking of yo bros, where the hell is Tredo." I asked

Now that I think about it, he's been MIA since the shower.

"Oh I had him stay and help Dana with all the gifts and shit. I want everything set up by time B gets home." He replied

"Oh , okay."

We walked into the room and Briana was breastfeeding the baby.

"Shhh he's sleeping." She said

She removed him from her breast and swaddled him up. He really did look exactly like my brother. Like a spitting image, but he looked exactly like B too. It was weird.

We sat there for hours talking, eating & watching tv. Tredo finally came up there with Baby Tyrel. This was a happy ass moment. All my family was together in one room with nothing but smiles and laughter.

Its been a crazy day but the end result was priceless.

Welcoming Wynter Deondré Jones
Born December 20th, 2018

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