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Briana's POV

The photographer finally sent over the pictures and they were so pretty I started to tear up. I sent them to Dana for her to have them blew up for the baby shower.

I couldn't wait to show Tiana, I got up to put on my shoes and go over to her house. This was the beauty of living right next door to your best friend.

I knocked on the door but there was no answer. Im guessing because of the loud ass music that was playing. Tiana must of been in her feelings listening to violins and shit.

I used my key that Tiana gave me to let myself in. I was completely shocked when I walked in to see Tredo down on one knee proposing. What he said was beautiful but I felt so betrayed. How could she keep this from me of all people. If he wanna marry her that mean they been at this for a minute. She really didn't tell me anything about this. My feelings were hurt.

"Will you marry me?" He asked

"Omg, um. . . . Of coarse Trevon." Tiana said while crying and jumping up to give him a hug.

He placed the ring on her finger then gave her a kiss. They were so caught up in the moment they didn't even notice me standing there.

"Lets still keep this on the low, I want to marry you but like maybe in a couple years. I would love being your Fiancé though." She explained

"Well, congratulations you fake ass bitch." I said before leaving out the door.

She turned around completely shocked that I was standing there. They both look like some little ass kids that just got caught fucking or something. They stood there looking slow as fuck. I couldn't wait to tell Dre.

"B, its not what you think I swear." she pleaded

"Sooooo you wasn't lying to my face for months about fucking your cousin that just proposed to you. Something that I knew nothing about."

"Okay B chill. You know we not cousins. And in my defense I didn't know anything about this."

"Fuck yall. Im telling Dre."

"Naw sis don't do that." Tredo said

"Nigga don't sis me. Yall foul, sitting up getting engaged behind people's back."

I walked across the yard back to my house and I was happy as fuck when I seen Dreon's car in the driveway. I ran in the house quick as hell to tell.

"After the baby shower Im coo on yo fake ass sister, and she aint my baby god mom."

"What the fuck you talking about Briana." He asked

"I went over there to show her the pictures from earlier and Trevon in there on one knee asking her to marry him."

"Who the fuck is Trevon?"

"Nigga yo cousin Tredo"

I rolled my eyes. Whole family obviously was slow as fuck.

"Say swear to god."


He ran out the front door and started making his way to Tiana's house, and of course I followed him.

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