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Tredo's Pov

"Wassup love, where the baby?"

"In the room sleeping, how was work?" She asked while giving me a kiss.

"It was coo. Im tired as hell though."

"Well dinner is in the microwave, I made steak, baked potatoes, shrimp & asparagus."

"Damn you cant warm it up for me?" I asked a little annoyed

"No. Im about to shower and go to bed. I been taking care of yo daughter and doing laundry all day." She replied

"Man Morgan you really booty as fuck! I ah be back tomorrow."

I grabbed my shoes and headed for the door.

"Where the fuck you think you going Tre!" She yelled while running towards me.

"Dont worry about it. Bye."

I slammed the door and rushed to my car to pull off before her crazy ass came out here causing a scene. Morgan was my crazy ass baby momma. I ended up getting the bitch pregnant a little before me and Tiana got serious. Morgan the type of bitch who wont let you see yo kid unless yall fucking or together so every night I go over there and tell Tiana Im at work. Then during the day Im with Tiana and Morgan thinks Im at work. Morgan wasnt my girl though and if i had to choose it would always be Tiana over her but my daughter needs me in her life. I been tryna figure out a way to get out of the situation but I dont know how.

I still had my hands in the streets heavy. I went to Dre with my situation before all that wild shit happened and I been connected in the loop this whole time. Nobody but Dre knew, but now that he's gone Nell knows and I pray to God he don't tell Briana and blow my cover. See Nell then been to Morgan's house cause thats where I do business at. So if he was to tell Briana that he see's me damn near every night when Im supposed to be at "work", Im screwed because I know for a FACT she gone tell Tiana.

Nell's Pov

Im in love with Briana, its that simple. But the girl dont take me serious at all. I mean I know she been through some shit but we been feeling each other way before all that happened. Then she always wanna say something about who my baby momma is knowing I would kill the bitch if she asked me to. I wanted Briana bad and I would do whatever it takes to get her. I be going along with her little games and just being her friend cause in the end ima win. That other nigga all the way in Alabama, he aint really a factor. Im really the only man in her life and if I had to kill my baby momma and have Briana raise my child I would.

I hated my baby momma. That bitch was a real nut case. I wish I would of knew her history with Briana and them before I even started fucking with the bitch. I wouldn't have ever gave her the time of the day. She make my life a living hell. She ah see me and Briana doing something, then a call me saying my daughter need shoes or clothes or daycare money. Like bitch I got enough money for my girl and my daughter slow ass bitch. She thinking she stopping something but she ain't. Briana could make a tweet or something saying we about to go do something, next thing you know Taylor calling talking about she need me to keep the baby. She be mad as fuck cause I get her every time and just add the baby to me and Briana plans.

Briana loved my daughter. She loved taking care of her but she always says she enjoys being able to send her back when she's done with her. At first it pissed me off but then I thought about her situation and understood. She say she don't really want nomore kids but I can tell the way she looks a Ny'Ell that she does. I think she's just scared, Ima change that though.

After I made this run for B, I went home to clean up before she came over. I always tried to keep it real nice in here to impress her. She was about to make dinner while we watched movies and played a board game. We did this every weekend, it was our "thing". I be lo key hoping we end up fucking but we never do and I respect it. Once she gave that ass up though, it was over with. Im not gone pull out and eventually she gone get pregnant then be stuck with me.

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