Twenty Nine

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Treasure's Pov

It's been 2 weeks since everything happened. Its all over facebook how Jarrell and 3 of his people all died in a fire. The news released details about Jarrell's body and it was crazy what they did to him. The police saying its a capital crime and whoever did it gone get the death penalty. To be honest, I never felt more safe in my life. Nell gave me the 75 thousand and Briana helping me clean the money. I could of went and cashed out on a house, new car and all that but I wanted to stack my money. I lived in Briana's house for free, I drive a nice car, courtesy of Tiana, I gotta nice job as store manager at the Walmart Briana owns and my son is WELL took care of. Aint no reason I need to go spend all that money, ill rather save it.

I really dont even know what to do with my life. For years I was held hostage to a crazy as nigga, doing everything he said do. Outside of my son and house things, Im completely lost at life. Tiana and Briana invite me out places and we have sleepovers with the kids at Tiana's house. Its nice to have them but I kinda wanna venture off and do my own thing.

It was a nice day out so I decided to go to the mall. Briana said she would watch Santana for me, I just pulled up to Nell's house to drop him off.

"Hey girl." She greeted me

"Hey, okay so I already made him 4 bottles, just put them in the fridge and run them under hot water before you feed them. He eats every 3 hours and I check his diaper every hour. He sleep when he feel like it but after 6:30 I keep him up so he'll be sleep by 8pm. He sleeps through the night but wakes up at 8am to eat." Treasure explained

"Girl I had my own kid and raised Ny, plus my 2 nephews.... I know how to handle a baby."

"I know but nobody had ever had my son but me. Im nervous."

"Baby go enjoy yoself, buy yoself something nice. Enjoy the break. Lil man good." B assured her.

"Yeah he straight over here." Nell said walking in. "Wassup Treas, hey baby." He kissed Briana before sitting on the couch.

"Hey Nell, thanks for letting him stay."

"It's all good."

I left and headed to the mall. The mall here was really standard compared to the one in Alabama but they had some nice stuff. I went to Rue21, Footlocker, and Jimmy Jazz before stopping at the food court for a smoothie. Standing in line I noticed the dude staring at me and he kept walking by. I was starting to get nervous.

I ordered my smoothie and sat down at a table in the food court. I texted Briana checking on Santana and she said he was good. I just sat there scrolling through my phone before an unfamiliar voice spoke to me.

"I just wanted to let you know that you look good as fuck ma." The guy whose been staring at me said.

"Oh um, thank you."

"Is this seat taken?" He asked

"Naw you good." I responded.

I really shouldn't be worried about niggas but he was actually cute as fuck. He was a the color of honey and had real nice hair, hazel eyes and clearly knew how to dress. He smelled expensive as fuck. How could I resist.

"So whats yo name?" He asked

"Treasure, whats yours."

"Just call me Ka. What you got going?"

"Nothing just enjoying some me time."

"From who yo dude." He asked with a smile

"No, my son." I laughed. "I aint spoken for."

"Even better for me, can I walk with you?" He asked

"Yeah sure."

We got up from the table and headed to some more stores. He carried my bags for me and we talked. He had real nice conversation. Once I was done shopping, he walked me to my car and we exchanged numbers.

"Ill talk to you later lil momma."

"Okay, we ah see." I responded

I went home, unpacked the car and enjoyed a nice bottle of wine in the bath while I relaxed. About a hour later, I received a text.

Ka: Whatsup Ma.
Me: Nothing sup with you
Ka: Usual. I had fun with you today. Ima make you fall in love with a Boss. Mark my words.
Me: It sound good.
Ka: Read 10:24pm

I dont know who this nigga think he is but I like it.


The next morning I went over to Nell's to pick up Santana.

"Hey boo, how was yesterday?" Briana asked

"It was fun, I met a guy and found some real cute clothes and some nice Jordans."

"Whaaaaat you meet a dude. K den. Just take it slow. Its nice to have a little friend but be careful."

"Im already knowing. He was coo though."

"Whats his name?"

"Ka. Im not sure what its short for but thats what he said call him."

She just sat there looking all weird in the face.

"B, wassup you okay?" I asked

"Yeah, yeah. That name just bring up memories." She said sadly

"You know him?"

"Nah, the one I know died." She said

"Oh sorry for yo lost girl."

"Its good, but lil man did good. He aint a cry baby so he can come over anytime. He's so cute."

"Thank you." I smiled "Thank you for everything really."

"It's nothing foreal. I wouldn't have felt right leaving you there. You family now."

We hugged and I left. Once I got home and got Santana down for his nap, I watched Netflix until Ka called me. I spent the day watching movies with him on the phone. It was coo to just have somebody to talk to other than the only other people i've seen the past 2 weeks. Talking to Ka, I learned he a drug dealer, single, no kids and no family. He said his mom died, and he only has one friend. He was lonely just like me.

Maybe it was a reason we met.
Briana's Pov
If its not one thing it's another. What 19 year old goes through shit like this. First a bitch who was supposed to be my best friend fuck what was supposed to be my nigga. Then I get him killed. I meet my real dad, my mom aint my real mom. Then my Ex Fiancé was my brother, Ima twin, my kid mentally challenged and I don't even know if he dead or alive. The best thing I got out of this whole thing is Tiana. I mean Nell too but he aint really apart of all the madness. I been tryna carry on with my life like Im okay but deep down Im not. I basically live with Nell now, I really don't wanna be away from him. I use Treasure being at my house as an excuse. I hide all my pain in sex, every night I fuck the shit out of Nell, he cant keep up. Me and Tiana back to normal like nothing ever happened. Nobody really pressure me into talking about it or how I feel and Im glad they didnt. I aint got time to be facing my feelings and shit. Fuck that shit. Its life, I dont think it's nothing that can hurt me or break me. The last few years of my life really fucked me up in the head. I just wanna live a normal 19 year old life but what the fuck does a normal 19 year old do?

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