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A year later

Briana's pov
"Hey, if you got time I need you to go make that play on the East for me." I said to Nell

"I gotta go that way anyways, what they want?" he asked

"A gram of that dog. You can keep half since you went." I Told him

"Naw girl I aint hurting you can keep all yo lil money. Besides, you need to start saving for that baby Ima put in you."

"I dont know how many time I gotta tell yo ass Im not getting pregnant by you. We dont even fuck around Nell. You a foo." I said laughing.

I knew Nell liked me and deep down I liked him too but after what happened with Dre, Im just not ready for the whole relationship thing. Im young, I wanna enjoy my life the best way that I can.

After Dre left, I took over his operations with the help of Gt & Nell. I went through with the Walmart plan and also bought Tiana a hair store/ salon. So as of now Im 19 have 3 different sources of income, no man and no kids.

The entire time I was in the hospital, Dre never stopped by to see me. He gave Tiana a letter for me to read but I still haven't built up the courage to actually read it. After I was well enough to leave the hospital, I went home thinking he would be there waiting for me but all his things we're packed and Wynter's room was completely cleaned out. I couldn't make the decision on if to kill my child so I left the decision in Dre's hands. When I asked what route he went, Tiana just kept saying "Read the Note." So as bad as it may sound, Im not sure if my son is alive or dead. I just couldn't live with that burden though.

Me and Tiana are closer than ever. We've always been close but its just different now. We haven't spoken to our father since but we had a trip to Chicago planned in a couple weeks for me to meet my actual mother. I cut my mom off... well the lady I thought was my mom. She always mistreated me and now I know why and now that I know she is no relation to me, I might just beat her ass if I saw her.

Tiana and Tredo are still together and their wedding is set for December of 2021. The twins are 1 now, walking and getting into everything. Every time I see them it makes me wonder how Wynter would be at this age in life. Its crazy how things played out. I love my nephews though, I dont need a kid as long as I got them.

Me and Tiana still lived next door to each other but on a completely different side of town. We wanted a fresh start and that couldn't happen with all the memories of our past life lingering around. We all agreed to leave the past in the past and not ever bring it up.

Im not sure if any of them keeps in contact with Dre... I know for a fact Tiana does even if she doesn't want to tell me. Him and Tredo was real close but Tredo completely turned his life around so Im not sure if he still talks to him. Nell and GT no longer want anything to do with him after the whole thing happened, they said it was too messy and would bring the past into our future and I agreed.

As of now I was living the life. I was a self made boss at this point. No nigga was doing for me, I had the game on lock myself. I also had the respect of the streets which goes a long way. I was single but me and Nell go on dates here and there but he knows we're not together. I aslo have a little friend down in Alabama who Im supposed to be going to visit. We text and facetime when Im not busy and he sends me little gifts all the time but he also knows that we're not together. As of now Im just having a little fun.

Tiana's POV
"No, she still hasn't read the letter." I said to Dre on the facetime call.

"So she doesn't even know Wynter is alive?" He asked

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