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Dreon's pov

It was 6:05 and I was rushing to get home. Briana was gone be mad as hell but I had stuff to do at the office. Gt been on my ass about a legal investment so I been spending most my time trying to figure out what I wanted to do and how. Hopefully Briana understands that.

10 minutes later I was walking through the door to a face full of stares.

"Damn can I have my fucking face back." I said to them

"You gotta wash the dishes." Nell said

"Fuck! I forgot about that. B can you do it I got somewhere to be after dinner."

"You was late and now you wanna leave after. Okay leave and watch what happen." She responded

"Come on B, please don't be like that."

"Dinner is about to be served come sit down."

I didn't even bother engaging in an argument with her knowing how dramatic she gets. Instead I went to pick my son up out his swing and held him at the table. He was just sitting there staring with his lip hanging.

"Wassup lil man." I said while tickling him.

He didn't show no reaction.

I tickled his feet, thighs, belly and neck... still no reaction. He just had this blank look on his face. I guess the lil nigga ain't ticklish.

"So baby, I was thinking... You should buy that Walmart on Front street. It would be a good investment and you could handle other business way better and lowkey that way." Briana said pulling me from my thoughts.

"Aye thats a good idea. We can move work with the shipment of products for the store. We would have a whole loading dock and everything. Aint nobody gone be excepting work to be moved out of a Walmart." GT said

See this why I was gone make this girl my wife. She smart as fuck.

"Yeah yall make a valid point. I'll call Sherry and have her get started on a business plan. In the meantime GT, I need you to have yo boys working overtime so I can have more than enough money to put up an offer."  I responded

"Heard you." He said

The food started being served an we instantly stopped talking. I kept my business private even from the people I have working in my house. The less people who knew what I did, the less people there was to testify if I ever get caught up.
Dinner was going great. The conversation was good, everybody was happy and B really put her foot in this meal. A nigga was in a good ass mood and some pussy after this meal would make it even better.

I put my arm under the table and made my way to Briana's leg. I traced her inner thigh with my finger before making my way up her dressed to her area. Once I reached my destination, I moved her panties to the side and started playing with her pussy. She was trying her hardest to remain cool but by the way her juices was wetting up my finger I knew she was tryna fuck me just as much as I was tryna fuck her.
Once I seen her deeply enjoying it, I removed my hand and put my fingers in my mouth removing all her juices while looking her in the eye.

"Uh Dre can I see you upstairs real quick. Excuse me." Briana said getting up from the table.

"Um, yeah everything coo?" I played along

"Yeah splendid. Nell keep an eye on the baby for me please." She asked

"Of course my baby." He responded

Any other time I would of checked his ass but my dick was rock hard and I wasn't in the mood.

We left from the table and headed towards the stairs that led to our room. The whole room was sound proof including the bathroom so we was about to be anything but quiet.

"They bouta fuck." I heard Tiana say as I walked up the stairs . I laughed at her

Soon as I made it to the room Briana was already out of her dress.

"Damn okay, straight like that?" I said while looking her up and down

"Yeah come suck on this pussy like you was sucking on them fingers." She said

"Say nomo."

I laid her down and pulled half her body of the edge off the bed causing her to be upside down. I put my dick in her mouth while placing her pussy in my mines. We hanged half way the bed having the best 69 ever, then my phone started to ring.

I ignored it and went back to my meal. I flipped her right side up, laid down and placed her right on my face. She started to move her hips round and round to match the rhythm of my tongue. I felt her pussy tightening up letting me know she was getting close to her climax. She moved faster and faster, I flicked my tongue faster and faster. She moaned loudly causing me to get even more hard then I already was. I was ready to fuck so to speed up the process I grabbed her ass holding her down on my face while slipping a finger right on top of her anal. I massaged the area softly while she road my face. She went crazy over that.

We was so into it we didn't even pay attention to the little dings my phone was making from all the text messages coming through. She finally came and I flipped her over so quick to hit that shit from the back. I aint waste no time placing myself instead her and getting to working. I was pounding and pounding while she screamed and yelled my name. I was just on the verge of releasing myself when my fucking phone rung causing Briana to get up.

"Obviously whoever blowing you up needs yo service so gone and handle that." She said while redressing

I pulled her close to me. "Fuck that phone Im handling this.

"Naw you done with this. Handle yo business."

She went into the bathroom to clean herself up.

"FUCK man!" I yelled

I was mad as fuck, balls about be hurting and shit all cause I couldn't get my nut off. I ain't give a fuck about this phone cause I know it wasn't nobody but Shelly ass.

"Waddup." I said speaking into the phone

"Why wasn't you answering the phone." Shelly questioned

"I told you I was having dinner with my family tonight."

"Im yo family too. Anything could of been happening Dreon. I could of been in labor or anything." She said

"Man girl you 6 fucking weeks you ain't in no damn labor."

Freshly pregnant bitches be so irritating.

Obviously I then slipped up and got my damn assistant pregnant. I wasn't leaving Briana I told Shelly that off rip, but I for damn sure wasn't leaving Briana and she was never gone find out about this.

I don't know how I was gone pull this off but I had to figure it out quick.

From this moment on it's about to get crazy 🤣🤣 So much about to happen but ima leave yall on this cliffhanger until i get at least 3 comments & some votes on this chapter......

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