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Dreon's Pov

I was real pissed off about the fuckery that went on early tonight. I found myself sitting on my baby mommas couch smoking a mild. Im not even sure why I came over here when all this girl wanna do is argue about why she cant be my main bitch. To be honest I aint wanna stop fucking with her but I for damn sure wasnt leaving Briana. I needed them both. I dont know how I was gone pull it off but I had to.

I don't know exactly how I wanna handle Nell simply because thats my closest friend and business part little brother. I also didn't know how GT wanted to handle things. Part of me wanted to get them before they got me but then part of me wanted to be mature about it and talk to GT to see where his head was at.

My mind was everywhere and the only thing that could ease it was this mild. I sat there on the couch smoking watching this dumb ass news shit that my Bm stayed watching. Talking about she gotta stay in tune with whats going on in the world so she could make a change. The girl couldn't even change her own hair styles let alone the world. I wasn't even paying attention foreal until I seen Briana's van on the screen... at least a van that looked like hers.

"Turn that up" I told Sherry

"The victims of the crash are 2 women and a child. One was deceased on the scene and the other is unconscious.  She has been taken to St. Charles Trauma Care Center. We have no identification for these ladies so any one with any information please come forward. The infant seems to be about 4/5 weeks old and is in critical condition. The license plate to the van is GTX 5134, again thats GTX 5134....."

I sat there staring at the TV as the news reporter repeated the information over and over. My mind was telling me to call Briana and make sure it wasn't her but my body just wouldn't move.

"I think you need to go." Sherry said


"That could be Briana and your child, possibly your sister too. Somebody died Dreon you need to go."

"Naw that might not be them let me call her."

I started to pull out my phone but Sherry stopped me.

"I am a side bitch who so happened to get pregnant and is jealous of the girlfriend. I know everything from license plates to parent's address.... thats her car Dre, you need to go up there NOW."

At that point my body just started moving without thought. It seemed like all I did was blink and I was at the hospital's front desk.

"Um yes, I seen my Fiancé's car on the news about being in a car crash." I said to the receptionist at the front desk

"Right this way Sir." A doctor from behind her said

"Are you the father of the child?"

"Yes. How are they? When can I see them." I Asked

"Sir you might want to call family up here for support."

"When can I see them!!!" I yelled

He sighed. "Im not sure Sir. Your son is in surgery , one of the victims has passed and the other is also in surgery. Im not sure which is your wife but I would like you to come downstairs to see if you can identify the deceased."

At that moment I just broke down in tears. I wasn't even sure if Briana was dead or if it was Tiana or if my son would even make it out alive. My whole world just fell apart and for once in my life I had no idea on how to fix it. The only thing I could think to do was call my Dad and Briana's brother.

I sat in the waiting room waiting on them to come. I couldn't go identify the body alone because if it was my sister or girl on that table I would loose my mind and those doctors wouldn't be able to control me. The thought of it sicken me.

My phone kept ringing back to back and it was nobody but Sherry ass.

"What Sherry."

"Um, how is everything. When you coming back?"

I couldn't do nothing but laugh at this dumb ass bitch. My kid was in here fighting for his life, my girl or sister was possibly dead or fighting for their life and all this bitch is worried about is when Im coming back.

"Never bitch fuck you. Loose my number and you fired." I yelled

"What? But Im pregnant with your baby."

"Fuck that. My only kid is in here fighting for his life bitch. Holla at me in 9 months when I can get a DNA test. Until then fuck you and that baby."


"Well that was rude." Tiana said

"Man sis fuck her."

Wait what the fuck. It felt like a big ass weight was just lifted off my shoulders. I was so happy to see my sister standing there. I pulled her into the biggest hug and broke down crying all over again, she was crying too.

"Its gone be okay y'all everything gone be okay." My dad said

"Man T, I thought you was the one in the car with her. I been waiting on Dad to get here so I could go identify the dead body."

"No Im not sure who was with her. Is it Briana that passed?" She asked.

"I dont know, I guess we about to go find out."

I went to the front desk for them to send the doctor then we all went down to the room the held all the people who died.

The worker went up to a drawer and pulled the body out.

"Are you guys ready." He asked

"No but go ahead." My dad answered

He pulled back the cover and lord behold it wasn't Briana, it was our Nanny. I was still hurt though but happy as hell my girl wasn't dead.

"That's Mary. Our nanny. I'll contact her family." I said

"Okay well that means your Fiancé and son are both in surgery. We'll head back upstairs and there's some paperwork I need for you to fill out." The doctor said

Once we got back upstairs, Briana's brother and Mom was there. I was surprised as hell to see her momma.

"What the hell you doing here." She said to my Dad

"Im here with my son. Stay in your place."

She looked back and forth at me and Tiana.

"Wait so they know. You told them and didn't inform me." She yelled

"Told us what? How yall even know each other" Tiana asked

"No they don't know. Im here supporting my son while his soon to be wife and child are fighting for their lives." My dad said completely ignoring Tiana

"Wait so you telling me you sat around and watched your son get your daughter pregnant, and let him propose to her... Your a sick individual." she laughed

"What the fuck she just say." I yelled at my dad

"Wait Briana and Dre are related... wait Briana is my Dad's daughter.... Wait, are me and Briana twins?!?"  Tiana said

Everybody just sat there staring at each other.

"So you telling me you just thought it was a coincidence that yall names are basically the same and yall was born on the same day, click so good and kinda resemble each other?" She asked

"Dad you knew this whole time and didnt say anything. You worst then I thought. What the hell!! How is this even possible when we have different mothers" Tiana yelled in between tears

I just sat there in complete shock not knowing how to feel, what to say or how to respond.

"Guys let me explain." My dad said.

"LEAVE!" I yelled

And with out another word he simply left.

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