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Briana's pov

"Okay okay, no.... I wanna play my role and act like I dont know." I said to Tiana who was trying to talk me into busting Dre car windows.

"Why though. That's stupid."

"Because T. I gotta play it smart, I just had a baby by him. I don't need all the extra stress and I don't wanna bring it up until Im ready to do something about it." I explained

"Right, and we don't even know all the details." She finally agreed "But lets go see who in there."

Just as we were about to get out the car, I noticed someone across the street watching us.

"No T, wait. Who is that in that car?"

"Where? I cant really see them." She said while squinting her eyes to see

"I wonder how long they've been sitting there and if they're watching us or Dre." I said

"Let's just leave, Text Dre and warn him."

"Girl he's been blowing me up you text him." I replied

Once we reached a red light she texted him telling him to be careful. He never responded back so Ima just have to tell him tonight when he gets home.

It made me nervous knowing someone was watching. We didn't know who it was, what they wanted, how long they've been watching or who they was even watching.


We finally arrived back at Tiana's house, I said my goodbyes and walked home after agreeing to text her once I was settled in. I literally lived across the yard but I guess we were a little on edge since we saw that guy watching us, we facetime'd all the way until I was inside my house.

I walked in expecting to see Nell up with Wynter but instead Wynter was sound asleep in his crib and Nell was asleep in the rocking chair. I smiled at how cute and peaceful they looked then cut off the light and cracked the door.

I decided to go take a peaceful bath and soak away all my frustrations and emotions. My mind was running a thousand miles per minute with everything thats been going on. All I wanted was a peace of mind for at least 30 minutes. 

While my bubble bath was running, I turned on my "Slow" playlist, rolled some woods and cut up some fruit for me to eat. Most people think eating in the bath is nasty but it's relaxing to me. I was breaking down a pineapple, singing Yung Bleu's "Know Who You Are" word for word when my peace was brutally disturbed.

"Briana!!! Bitch where you at?" Dreon yelled

Oh this nigga then lost his damn mind.

"Who you calling a bitch? Don't disrespect me I dont give a fuck what you mad at but you better remember who the fuck you talking to." I yelled back while getting in his face

"Bitch you had a nigga around my son I aint got no respect for you."

"What the fuck is you talking about Dre."

I waited for a response but instead I found myself struggling to breathe as he had both hands wrapped around my neck.

"So you gone play stupid. The nigga Nell all on snapchat with my son like shit sweet. Behind my son I'll kill you bitch."

He finally let go and I fell to the floor struggling to catch my breath in between tears. This is not the man I fell in love with. It's crazy how these streets could change a person. I refuse to go through this though. If I wanted to be disrespected and abused I would of stayed with Kaleb ass.

"Get out." I faintly said


"I said get out! Im done with you. Go live with whatever bitch you then got pregnant. Pack yo shit and go."

"Whats going on." Nell said

Before I could even speak, him and Dre were throwing blows. And if that wasn't enough, Wynter started crying.

So much for having peace.

After 20 minutes of fighting, yelling, crying and arguing both boys were finally gone & Wynter laid in my arms finally sleep again. I sat there staring at my baby thinking about everything that has happened.

Times like this I wish I had a mother or some type of family because Im so lost in life right now. I don't know what to do.

I laid my baby in his crib, turned my phone off and cried myself to sleep as I felt my soul slip right into depression.

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