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Briana's POV

I was sitting at the table holding Wynter when Dre finally came back downstairs.

"Everything okay?" I asked with a sly grin

"Yeah everything coo, let me hold my son." He said while reaching for the baby.

"Naw you good. I got him."

Everybody at the table looked confused but they were smart enough to keep their thoughts to themselves.

"So, Nell. Wassup with you and that nut brain?" Tiana asked changing the subject.

"Man fuck that girl. I just want the baby foreal."

"How you know its yours?" Gt asked

"Cause I was bussin all in that. That bitch pretty as fuck. If I knew she was crazy I wouldn't have did it though."

"Oh so you purposely got the bitch pregnant?" Dre asked

"Hell yeah that bitch colder than ice water and thicker than cold gravy."

Everybody laughed.

"Felt you lil bro." Dre said

"Oh do you?" Stop playing with me Dre foreal." I said

"Welp thats our que to go. Lets go baby." Tredo said getting up from the table.

Tiana got up as well. "Yeah sis I gotta go get the twins anyways. Ima text you though."

"I guess. See yall later."

"Love yall." Tiana said

"Love you too." We all responded

After Tiana and Tredo left everybody else started getting ready to leave, including Dre. I didn't even bother saying anything to him about it. Instead I went upstairs to wash Wynter up before feeding him and putting him to sleep.

After laying him in his crib, I went downstairs to see Nell in the kitchen washing the dishes.

"You didn't have to do that." I said

"Naw it coo. You cooked, and had to handle the baby. You shouldn't have to wash everybody plates."

"Dreon was supposed to that. When did he leave?"

"Soon as you went upstairs." He replied

I sat there contemplating on if I wanted to tell Nell what I knew. I basically told him everything but for some reason I felt like I should keep this to myself.

Going against my thoughts I decided to tell him.

"So Ima ask you something and I want you to be honest with me."

He put the dish scrubber down and looked at me giving me his full attention.

"Wassup?" he asked

"Dre gotta baby on the way?"

He just stared at me then started laughing.

"Unless you pregnant again not that I know of. Why you even asking that though?"

"Cause when we was upstairs somebody kept blowing his phone up so I went in the bathroom but I didn't shut the door all the way and I heard him say to somebody "you only 6 weeks pregnant you aint in labor." Like who could he be talking to?"

"Damn I really dont know B... Maybe Tiana pregnant again."

"Thats my best friend, if she was I would of knew that before him."

We just sat there in silence and I just thought about all the times he's been gone, or late and he blamed it on business. Especially today, him and Gt are partners they do all business together. Why was Gt on time but Dre wasn't.

The more I start thinking about everything the more I started to cry. Tears quietly rolled down my face. I knew deep down that Dre was cheating and got somebody pregnant.

"Aye aye, naw. You not bouta sit here and cry over a speculation. Stop that." Nell said while whipping my tears.

"He cheating on me I can feel it."

"He ah be a fool to cheat on you B. You too pretty to be crying my baby. Dont do that in front of me."

He pulled me into a hug and it just made me cry more.

He pulled away from the embrace and held my face with both his hands.

"Stop that crying shit. You dont need to be crying over no nigga. Even if he is your son's father and fiancé. You the whole catch my baby. You bad as fuck, you cook, clean, take care of business and handle yo own. Every second of your time is precious and you dont need to waste yo time crying."

I didn't say anything I just stood there staring him in his eyes while he stared back.

"You hear me girl?" He asked

"Yeah Nell, I hear you."

"Good." He said while hugging me again

He leaned back a little from the hug and looked at me. " I love you girl." 

Whew chile that sent a chill down my spine.

"I love you too Nelly."

I guess hell froze over because after I finished my sentence he kissed me.

And my dumb ass kissed him back.

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