twenty seven

111 5 1

Briana's POV

I woke up to the smell of breakfast and made my way to the kitchen. This situation Im in is really fucked up but it has it perks. Like this big nice California King bed, the nice cars, the personal chef, it was great but it wasn't worth the bigger picture... I was technically kidnapped. If I wasn't the street bitch that I am, I probably would just call the police but I really wanna leave this shit inna streets. Jarrell was as good as dead.

"Goodmorning B, how's your morning." The chef said greeting me.

"It literally just started but good so far." I said grabbing a piece of bacon.

"That's good. Well Mr. Jarrell said to let you know that he'll be gone for the week on business but the usual crew was there if you need anything."

"Oh, okay. Coo I guess. Thanks for breakfast." I said grabbing my plate off the counter.

I went into my bedroom to check Instagram while i ate. I was really happy that he was gone but in so many words he was basically saying his crew gone be watching me so I still had to play my role. As I was logging in to my fake Instagram account, my android dinged with a notification. I got scared as fuck because literally nobody knows about this phone, let alone the number.... or so I thought. I grabbed the phone out the drawer and had a text message from a number I didn't recognize.

Unknown: B , its me Treas.. Ik you probably wondering how I got the number. I called myself off the phone after I saw you hide it at dinner. I wasnt sure if you was a victim or helping him. But now that I know you basically a victim im hoping we can help each other escape without him knowing.

Me: Meet me at our spot where we first met.

I couldn't trust nobody so I wasn't about to fed in to that text. That literally could be anybody. If it was really Treas, she would know exactly where to go. I was so nervous I couldn't even finish my food. Instead I went to take a quick shower to get dressed and head out. I made it to the mall and stood in the same spot where I first bumped into Treasure. While I waited for her, I checked my Instagram... I got so sidetracked with this text message shit. Once I logged in, I went straight to Tiana page. She posted a picture with a caption about Florida... Okay maybe she caught on. I thought to myself. I watched her instagram story and my jaw dropped. At this point she definitely caught the hints and Im guessing she tryna figure out if this really me. I swiped up to her story and said "The Dad". I went to find a picture of the beach on google and posted it with the caption "Birmingham, the best baby." After posting it I just literally stared at my phone waiting for something to pop up. I dont know what I was expecting to happen but I just waited and waited. After about 10 minutes I went to sit on a near by bench. Treasure had 20 more minutes to show up before I left. I definitely was throwing that phone away rather it was her or not, I wasn't taking no chances.

Just as I was about to get up and leave, my phone dinged with a dm from Tiana. "We on our way dont worry we coming." I couldn't do nothing but cry man, God was definitely on my side. I couldn't believe that I pulled this off. I was going home and thats all that mattered. I just cant help but to cry tears of joy.

"Why you crying girl."

I looked up and saw Treasure standing there, I grabbed her and hugged her.

"Im getting outta here and you more than welcome to come with me." I told her

"I cant leave my baby though, he's only 2 months."

"Girl is you dumb, bring him too."

"How we gone do this?" She asked

"I dont know yet but my people coming, when I know all the details I will tell you."

"Just text or call that number. I copied you and got another phone." She laughed

"Okay okay coo. Continue to act normal. This ah all be over soon."
Nell's POV

We finally got in contact with B. Its been a week since the whole Instagram thing and the plan to get her back was happening today. This past week we been preparing, we been talking to her on some side phone she got so communication been real limit. The plan was for her to act normal, and spend as much of that nigga money as possible and put some up without him knowing. B really could of just caught a flight back to the city. I dont know why she didnt in the first place but she said it was deeper than that and she would explain in person. I guess i just had to trust her word. All I know is that whoever this nigga thought he was, Ima show him that he aint.

Instead of her flying home me, Tredo & Tiana gone fly down there. We googled some park that Briana and old girl she had with her was gone meet Tiana at. We found a nature trail for them to walk through, if  somebody was following them they would have to get out on feet and at that point the girls was to run as fast as possible to Tiana's car. We had a room booked at a motel so after they meet up they was set to go there and hide out. Tiana would then get old girl information and book her flight to Ohio. While that was going on, me and Tredo was gone find this nigga and kill him. Briana spent the week getting as much info that she could, Old girl knew a lot of helpful stuff too. With their help we now knew 3 of his houses not including the one Briana was staying at. Not only did I wanna kill this nigga but I wanted to make him suffer. We was gone rob every house and take everything this nigga owned, we also had plans on killing his whole crew. He had no family so his crew was the only thing close to him other than his child and we definitely was gone let him know we had him too. The entire plan would take a few days to carry out in full but Briana, Tiana and old girl would be onna flight back home tonight. We wanted them outta here as quick as possible.

It wasnt really that much of a complicated plan. The biggest thing was getting the girls away safely. After thats its gone be a walk in the park, just a bunch of robbing and killing.

Simple shit.



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