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Briana's Pov

I woke up in a hospital bed confused and in pain. I looked around to see Tiana sleep in the chair. Dre was nowhere to be found. Im assuming he's with Wynter. I have no idea what happened to me. My head was wrapped up, my leg was in a cast lifted in the air and my arm was in a sling. The last thing I remember is getting in the car to find Dre.... so was I in an accident? Wait, Wynter and the Nanny was with me so where are they?

Im thinking all these thoughts but when I tried to speak, nothing came out. I couldn't talk. Luckily the nurse walked in as soon as I started to panic.

"Its okay, calm down. Everything is going to be fine. You were in a bad car crash. You had to have brain surgery but you will make a full recovery. You have a broken leg and a fractured shoulder bone which will also heal completely. When you first arrived to the hospital we had to insert a tube down your airway to get air to your lungs, unfortunately your vocal cords ruptured which is why you can't speak but those too will heal."

I just sat there staring at her with tears falling down my face.

"Um, theres more." She continued

Before she could finish, Tiana woke up.

"It's okay, I'll tell her everything else. She needs to hear it from family anyways." Tiana told the nurse

She exited the room leaving me and Tiana alone. She had hurt all on her face which made me nervous as to what she was about to say. Before she even started talking she was began crying.

"Um, B.... I don't even know where to start." She sighed

I pointed to my tattoo of Wynter's name, letting her know that I wanted to hear about my son.

"Okay, well you already know yall was in an accident and as a result Wynter is brain dead. The doctors told Dre he had to choose if to keep him on the vents or let him go. But the doctor said he was already mentally challenged because of family history."

I looked at her confused as fuck because what she mean family history. Part of me already knew something was wrong with him but hearing this breaks my heart. My son is basically dead.

The more she spoke the more I cried.

She came and sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed my hand. "This is where things get crazy... Um so like it's no coincidence that we look alike, have similar names and was born on the same day.. Briana your my sister, we're twins."

If i could laugh right now I definitely would because there was no way we were twins. And if we were that means me and Dre are related... Which means I've been fucking my brother, but Dre and Tiana have different moms and so I so again, this was impossible.

She spent the next 10 minutes explaining everything that had happened and what our parents did with splitting us up. Its crazy how my entire life was flip upside down from one car crash.

I lost my son, my nanny, and the love of my life all in one day. The only person I had left was Tiana.

As harsh as it may sound, they can take Wynter off the vents. There was no way I was raising a baby that I conceived with my brother. As for me and Dre, that relationship was completely over. I had nothing to say to my mother... well the lady who I thought was my mother.

The only people I wanted around me right now was Nell & Tiana. I couldn't even speak to be able to tell her to get Nell here.

At this point I just wanted to die. I hate my life.

In the next chapter the book will jump to 12 months later !! I will do about 3/4 chapters to hold yall over 😭 just bare with me. The plot twist doesn't end here 😉

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