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6 Months Later.....

Tiana's Pov
"So how you and the baby doing?" I asked

"She's great, Im big as a damn whale. Im ready for this to be over."

"Yeah I bet, But how are you really doing ?"

"Ugh, Im stressed T. Im scared, its too good to be true." She responded

"I understand but baby you have a man that loves yo dirty draws. A man thats gone go to the moon if you was on it. You'll be great, the baby will be great. We all will be great B." I reassured her.

My sister and Nell been rocking strong. After the whole kidnap thing she ended up pregnant. She six months and big as hell. Soon as Nell found out she was pregnant he asked her to officially be his girlfriend so I they a real couple now. She been through a lot so I try my best to be there for her and Treasure.

Treasure fits into the family so perfectly. She really clicked well with all of us and we consider her family. Our kids all play together and spend the night at each other's houses. The twin's 2nd birthday was coming and me and Tre planning on doing something big. I been in contact with my mom so she supposed to be coming and her and B gone finally meet. They talk on the phone every now and again so I guess thats coo.

Everything really been smooth around here but with our luck something bound to happen.


"Hey sis." Treasure greeted as she walked into my house with Santana.

"Hey boo, what got you smiling from ear to ear."

"Girl Ka always sending me cute little compliments."

"I love him for you sis but its been 6 months.... you still dont know this nigga name?" I asked

"Ugh, I know I keep asking him but he keep saying I'll know when I need to know." She responded rolling her eyes

"To each it's own pooh."

"Hey bitches." Briana said walking in with Ny'Ell and Nell.

"Hey hoe." Me and Treasure said in unison

This Sunday was my turn to host Sunday dinner. We do this every Sunday and rotate houses. I enjoy these little family gatherings.

"Where bruh at?" Nell asked

"In his game room as usual."

He walked to the back of the house to more than likely smoke and talk shit with Tre. Him and Tredo then got real close since everything happened. I guess they (and I quote) "had respect for each other now."

This how it was every Sunday. The boys doing they own thing, the kids in the play room and the girls drinking wine and cooking. Once the food was done we all got together in the living room and watched a movie while we ate.

"So whats the deal for the Twins party?" Treasure asked

"Girrrlll Im so ready for this to be over, all this planning got me stressed. Im doing a Cat in the Hat theme so they can be Thing 1 & Thing 2."

"Ooouu sis I like that idea." B said

"When you due again?" Treasure asked

"Bitch you ask me this every time we talk and I keep telling you I don't wanna know when Im due."

We all laughed.

"But explain that because how you gone prepare if you don't even know when you due?" I asked

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