Chapter 13

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Mika's POV

Jin was already sitting by the fountain when I arrived without looking, he took his mug and chuckle. "I was expecting Jungkook, I must admit you really surprised me that you were the first one to get out."

"Is it normal? Knowing people by your gift?" I asked as I sat down. "Were you able to know it's me?"

"No, all people I sense feels the same way. I know it's you because Jungkook would have probably thrown something at me if he's the one who got out first." Jin said looking back at me. "That's great, you didn't have to endure that mind wrecking thing their doing."

"I'm not special. I just know it's Hobi because—"

"Maybe, but I can't recognize them without my gift, you on the other hand probably sense the tune of Hobi's armpits— by the way, what do I sound like?" Jin was already laughing.

"Like someone is scrubing a window?" I said describing his laugh, he seems to be amused and even make it louder.

When his laughter died down, I decided to be serious.

"You sound lonely." I said this time describing the complicated symphony I'm hearing when I'm with him. "I wish you were my partner yesterday."

"I know you want to oogle at my handsome face but sorry to disappoint you. This is just a one time thing. Namjoon thinks you and Jungkook should bond more. Maybe you'll be able to unleash the power within him." The way he said it was over the top, He was trying to change the topic. "Don't you like talking to him? You're almost of the same age."

"He always teases me and comes off condescending. I don't think he likes TLs. Us for that matter." I admitted and Jin pursed his lips a bit, from a melancholic sound, he started to produce a more pronounce staccato. "He lies to me. Even Taehyung thinks he's hiding something from us. Like he doesn't trust us or something."

"About what? His girlfriend?"

"That his father died and his mother is still in an asylum." I said, I don't think Jungkook would hide something like that from them.

"Those were his guardian. His father figure took a liking on him and let him run off with Namjoon and me. His mother figure— she'll slow us down so he decided to leave her." Jin started to say. "Technically, he didn't lie. Jungkook's a bit protective of himself. A bit selfish to some extent but— don't be too hard in judging him. He grew up inside the asylum. It's a miracle he can even function outside."

"Still, he lies. Then yesterday he was pissed off at me." I mumbled like a kid.

Jin turned around and I did, the shadow inside the room where they were training weren't moving. We could faintly hear Yoongi shouting at Jungkook.

"He's scared." Jin said. "Jungkook's scared to show his real emotion. He's funny and caring once you get to know him. He feels bad whenever we're having a hard time. He can get out of this hellhole of a situation that we have unscathed but he endangers himself for us. I'm sure soon, he'll opened up to you."

"Oppa, can you be honest with me?" I asked.

"Sure. I haven't been lying because I assumed— I mean— you can hear dishonesty, right?"

"Not really, I can hear if you're uneasy but I don't know if it's because of the lie or something else." I said. "I wouldn't ask you to be honest if I can actually detect it."

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