Chapter 6

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Mika's POV

We wait by the back building, the three of us decided to discuss it first before we talked to Jungkook. We did asked him to stay around, holding off Taehyung and my gift so Jimin could see our sincerety.

"I'm gonna do it for you." I began saying.

"Mika, I told you—" Jimin interrupted.

"We still want to do it for you. If things get escalated, we'll bail out, but we want Jungkook to help you for the mean time. That's what you want, right? Safety first. We all get want we want." Taehyung said and slowly Jimin reached out to him and hugged him.

"I really want to. It just— It hurts so much now. It's starting to evolve— It feels like my stomach would burst— and I'm scared. I'm scared it will kill me." Jimin admitted something Taehyung and I both knew.

It was more than cramps now, the way his face turned white, the fact that he couldn't speak when Sowon was there. We knew it was something much more complicated than before.

"Should I call him back?" I whispered and both of them nodded.


Jungkook looked at us, he seems to lose a night's sleep. He still looked worried. "Is it possible for just Mika to join me?" He asked.

Taehyung was the first one to object. "No. You wouldn't involve Mika without us."

"Besides, if I'm the one who would benefit, I would like an active role in whatever favor you would be asking from us." Jimin added.

"I can take care of myself." I'm not sure but I'm kind of hoping that whatever it is Jungkook will ask, it's won't be that hard.

Jimin and Taehyung was about to contradict me when Jungkook speaks, "If you'll be coming with me alone, they would be following and checking you every bit of the way— then it's no use."

"Just say what you want us to do." Taehyung was clearly running out of patience.

"I need you to talk to someone, that's the first step. If you do it, I'll help Jimin until— for a month." Jungkook started. "If you'll help us, after talking to the man I'll be introducing you to, there's a solution for Jimin— for life— we can solve his problem."

Taehyung immediately huffed. "You're a cunning individual aren't you? You're waving this imaginary carrot for us so we'll say yes every step of the way."

"There's only two steps. You can get out of the first. I swear." Jungkook said. "If I fooled you, you have the liberty to report me."

"How about this, we'll say yes to the second step, no matter what the person you want us to meet will say, as long as you'll be honest with us with your gift. You think I didn't notice?" Taehyung was cletching his jaw.

Among the three of us, he's the most volatile, he's a very carefree and charismatic person, but he's also the one who's very enigmatic when it comes to his anger.

"Taehyung—" I decided to intervene but Taehyung stopped me.

"How about I tell you as soon as we completed the second step? I don't want you making decisions before you hear it. I swear, I'll tell you guys everything."

"He's right, Tae. Let's talk to this person first. If we don't want it— I mean even if I died after a month—" Jimin made a bitter chuckle. "At least I could try being normal for a while."

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