Chapter 18

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Mika POV

"Can you be honest with me?" Taehyung asked me as I was about to get off his car.


"I know it's stupid to ask but— but — you're doing this for Jimin— just for Jimin— not for any other reason?" Taehyung asked me and I look at my watch. Thirty minutes of his non-sense, thirty minutes the most before I get grounded.

"What else would it be for? Do you think I want to sleep late? Do you think I want to cram everytime we have an exam for nothing?" I asked. "What's this all about? You know what? I wouldn't answer any of your questions if you won't answer mine." I crossed my arm on my chest as a protest.

"I told you I was just passing by— I—" Taehyung started to explain.

"You're lying, we both know it. Papa saw it, too. That's the reason why he thought we were doing some— why are you there Taehyung?" This time I was firmed.

"Why are you not a brat when you're with Jungkook but with me you come up with some mental gymnastic to guilt me. I was passing by— I saw your father. Now— is it because of Jungkook? You were talking awhile ago like you're planning for your future." Taehyung's sound is now a rock metal band with squeaking saxophone.

"Yes, of course we are." I said mocking him with my tone. "We're talking about the future with Jimin. A future where he can function normally."

Taehyung's sound finally mellowed. Amidst his soft grunts are just lonely burst of string. "Sometimes I wish I was the mixborn. Sometimes I wish I'm Jimin so I could feel you worrying about me."

"I do worry about you, Tae." I said. "If I don't I could've just pretended to love you more than a friend— but right now, Jimin needs us."

Finally, Taehyung went quiet. Fifteen minutes until curfew. "Tae— I need to go in. Papa would surely—"

"Mika— I never asked you this. I guess we started out wrong. I confessed suddenly— we had a fake relationship for a week—" Taehyung was slow on his words but the drum beats are banging on my ear drum.

"Tae— I'm gonna get grounded—" I said and he suddenly reached out and hugged me.

"Mika— is it okay if I try? If I will try to change your mind about me?" Taehyung asked but before I could answer. My phone rang, I quickly answered it thinking it was my dad but it wasn't.

"Mika— we're here in front of you." It was Jungkook's voice and I could hear panic.

The van's headlight blinks twice. "Why? What's wrong?"

"Jimin." Jungkook simply said. "Yoongi tried— he tried to slow Jimin's gift down but— he said— he said Jimin collapse as he was treating— Jimin is on his way to the hospital right now. He was picked by the ambulance—" My phone dropped as my hand weakens.

I always thought we had more time. More time to pick things up. More time for Hobi to recover. More time to hone Jungkook's gift.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung asked. "Mika— mika your color is black— MIKA WHAT'S WRONG???!!!"

"Jimin— Jimin— Jimin's in the hospital." I said almost in a whisper. I remember my phone as Jungkook's voice resounded saying my name repeatedly.

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