Chapter 10

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Mika POV

I watched as Jungkook got off the van and walked off away from us. For some reason, I hated him that day. Maybe because I can seem to figure him out and I was frustrated. Maybe because I'm also frustrated with my life.

"Before you start your training, we need your help with something. As you know, we need to watch over the house in case there's Rhodd Police who came looking for us. Jin Hyung needs a shift mate." Namjoon said as we arrived at the villa.

"I didn't actually told my parents I'll sleep here." Taehyung objected.

"You don't actually need to sleep over. Jin Hyung's shift is until twelve midnight. We'll drive you home if needed. Would your parents be okay with it?" Hobi interjected. "Just one of you every day.
Well either you or Taehyung. Jimin can't actually help us yet."

"I can do it this week. My parents are out of town." I said.

"Mika, I can't be there with you." Taehyung said and the irritation in me just grows and grows.

I wanted to hide it and just let him see a fake emotion. I looked at him hoping he wasn't mad but I don't think he's seeing irritation, he was smiling as if he likes what he sees.

"Tae, I can take care of myself. You don't have to be there for me everyday, every minute and every second of my life. Thank you for worrying but—"

"Okay." He said and hugged me.

"Should we start?" Yoongi intervened.

We sat in the same classroom as before, the only difference was, the blackboard still has the lessons we have the previous day. A couple of dolls was also on the table.

"Tell me about the dolls." Yoongi asked.

"They're kinda raggedy and they look creepy." I said and it made Taehyung chuckle.

Yoongi went straight to Taehyung and touch him. "Oh my god! Oh shit— oh shit— ahhhhh— ohhhh." Taehyung moaned, squirmed and grimaced while I looked at him in shock. "Fuck! What— Ohhhhh— Ahhh— did you do to me?!"

"I actually control the hypothalamus, so basically— I can control all your hormones." Yoongi, smiled and touched him again. "The next time one of you laugh, I'm gonna make you so horny you won't function for days. Use your fucking gift and tell me more about the dolls."

"I can't hear anything, They're inanimate objects." I said.

"Me, too. I can't see anything." Taehyung flinched when Yoongi came near him again.

"The reason why you both can't if because you believe you can't do it. Nobody told you your gift can't work on non-living things. Lesson One: Until you can't hear or see anything, you can't go home." Yoongi said and left us.

It's been four grueling hours. Both Tae and I didn't have snacks and it's already 8 in the evening. Tae was staring blankly at the dolls and blinking his eyes.

"How did you feel awhile ago, when he touched you?" I asked.

"Like I'm being tortured by a thousand girls licking my penis and balls but not letting me cum." Tae answered without even giving me a glance.

"You shouldn't tell your girlfriend something like that." I said.

"I know— but you're my friend, too." He said clearly on a dazed because of his hunger.

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