Chapter 16

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Mika POV

"Is there something wrong?" Taehyung asked me on our way to the villa. This is the first time he talked to me. Usually, it was just some cliché stuff like the weather and my outfit but now he sounds concerned rather than the usual hurt I'm hearing.

Somehow, I can't get it off my head, the thing that happened to Hobi. His face, the blood, how his hand latch on to me and how the bruises reminded me of it. Taehyung must've noticed it, I've been changing the feeling that people perceive of me and I told Taehyung about it.

It's hard for me to wear my feeling on my sleeve as my school is full of TLs. My professors would surely ask my parents to come in if I'm always nervous and uneasy.

"Mika, what's happening? Did something happened at the villa." Taehyung stopped the car and parked along the highway. "How did you got that bruise of your arm?"

I nodded. "Did they do something to you? Did Jungkook did this?"

I shake my head. I could hear his growing frustrations. "Maybe you should come home. Not because your parents can't check you at Jimin's does it mean you will always lie to them. You look terrible right now. You should rest."

"No!" I objected and Taehyung gave me his fed up look. "Hobi isn't feeling fine so we're kinda short on people manning the villa."

"The Rhodd police wouldn't come after them. It's been a month of this senseless stakeouts. Did someone dropped by?" Taehyung insisted. "That's it, I'm bringing you home."

I dropped my pretense and let him see what I really feel. "No, I need to be there."

I need to be there because I need to know more about the break in. I need to be there because I'm hoping Hobi would bounced back and maybe we can train each other.

Taehyung removed his seatbelt and reach out for me. "Come here." Ushering me to surrender on his arms.

I did, it was good, familiar and comforting. "Jimin's not doing so well, Mika. He's trying not to see anyone so his gift wouldn't function that much. I hat what's happening. Please— I don't want to lose you, too."

I have an idea about Jimin's condition. I knew the reason why Jungkook wouldn't tell me was because they are scared. I don't exactly know why but I didn't bother anymore. I just want everything to be over and save Jimin.

"We're not gonna lose Jimin, Tae." I said. "I'm not gonna let him just go like that."

"This is what I love about you. You never seem to lose hope." Taehyung cupped my face. "— but Mika, what am saying is— too much hope could kill you, too— there's nothing wrong with hoping everything would go fine but— be ready okay. Be ready that the worst could happened."


Taehyung dropped me by the gate but insisted that he needs to talk to Jungkook. I was about to come in when I saw them, Jungkook and Ryujin holding their hands on their way out.

Then Ryujin stopped and so did Jungkook. With his hands on her face, the distance between them got closer.

Soon, they were kissing. My heart clenched at the scene.

"Why aren't you coming in?" Taehyung said as Ryujin and Jungkook came out.

"Mika— Tae— you're here." Jungkook exclaimed. "I'm just gonna see Ryujin home and—"

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