Chapter 22

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Jungkook POV

I don't know if it was right but it sure did felt right. Kissing her, embracing her, thinking that she feels the same but it was awkward for her. I saw her relief when Taehyung came— I know I have a better chance with Mika than with him romantically— but I still want to yank him off her.

I was thinking of that, if I can survive that. I have two competitors for her affection; One of her friends that she's willing to risk her life for; and another who wants his romantic feeling reciprocated. I've been with her just for a few months. I wonder if I could compete with that.

None of that was as complicated as my real problem. When it was Namjoon and not Jin nor Hobi who met us as we arrived, I knew something's up.

Mika didn't noticed how Namjoon look at me to help him hide his emotions from her. I don't know if she's too absorbed about what's happening or that a lot of sound filled her ears but she didn't noticed that Namjoon is not one of them.

"Ryujin called the Rhodd Police. Only me and Yoongi knows." Namjoon whispered to my ear as he hug me. "We need her close so she wouldn't do something like that again and that's why we're here."

Just like that, all my plans, all what I'm thinking of, vanished into thin air. Ryujin came out of the house and rushed to me.

"Thank God, you're safe." She said.

I had no choice. It was what I was convincing myself but I know I do— but I still chose my duty over Mika.

Even that's the case, I was scared. I was scared to see the look in Mika's face. Especially now that I can't fulfill my promise.

If I broke up with Ryujin now, she knows more than she should to have us all arrested, Mika included. That means Jin wouldn't be able to get out of Korea, Namjoon couldn't work on the serum, Jimin would be dead by next week.

"You seemed tense." Ryujin asked. It baffles me how could she act like this. The sweet innocent girl but secretly wants us all in the asylum.

"Just frazzled with what happened." I said. "How are you?" I asked but my eyes quickly shift on to Mika unable to control myself, I shouldn't have looked, because I could see the pain in her eyes. I wanted to say sorry.

"I-I'm fine." Ryujin said looking at the direction my eye is at and reach up to met my lips.

"We need someone for stakeouts." Yoongi said.

"I could do it." Mika volunteered.

"Me, too." I said looking at her but she quickly shifted her eyes off me.

"NO! Not you." Ryujin argued. "I mean— you're already tired and everything—"

"She's right, Jungkook. You and Mika could use some rest." It was Hobi who ruffled Mika's hair. "Go Home Mika. Yoongi and I could do the stakeout tonight."


I waited until Ryujin fell asleep. Namjoon was with his computer checking the formula for the serum. Jin was beside him sleeping with a blanket that keep falling off but Namjoon keeps pulling up.

He didn't question me when I went out and took the van's keys from the table. I don't know if he didn't care or he didn't notice me but it was Yoongi who chased me before I could get to the van.

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