Chapter 25

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Mika POV

Sowon and Taehyung were talking as they are sipping the strawberry Hobi gave us before they wheeled Jimin out of the room.

I didn't drink it for a good reason. My hunch was right when Taehyung and Sowon began to slowly lose consciousness.

I knew what it was for so I waited until the door creaks open and Namjoon's shocked face greeted me.

"What the—" Namjoon exclaimed.

"I don't want to do it." I said.

He gritted his teeth before speaking to me, "I don't have time for this! Go ahead and rant— I'll do my job." He said as his lips extended more than usual.

He didn't wait for me to talk though, he was the one who ranted his feelings. He told me about how I'm being unreasonable. That he already explained why he had to erase my memory as well as what he was probably doing right now with Taehyung.

"Why can't you be like Taehyung?!" He pointed at my sleeping friend. "Why can't you just follow what I said." He grumbled.

"So— I'm right. You convinced him— you convinced him to choose to erase his memory." I said looking at him while he was concentrating on Taehyung's head.

He stopped momentarily to pursed his lips at me.

"Yes. I told him I could end his misery by removing his feelings for you— not to mention that since Jungkook is out of the picture he could start to win your heart again." He said as he look back at Taehyung again.

"If that's possible then how come I didn't develop any romantic feelings for him." I argued.

"Rrrrahhh." Namjoon grunted.

"I have never seen you lose your cool until now." I tried not to smile but I wasn't able to help it.

"Mika— I'm not kidding." Namjoon stopped whatever he was doing and became serious. "Just let go of Jungkook — if he's the reason why you're doing—" he flail his hand out of frustration "—THIS— You both are delirious for thinking you shared something special but you don't— you're gonna hurt someone in the process— you both just shared an adrenaline filled situation but have you really thought about your feelings for him?"

"It's not about him— have you ever thought why I'm choosing it— I've learned that I'm adopted not to mention part of an experiment I still don't know if it has lasting damage and yet I'm choosing not to let go of that!" I said holding back my tears. "— it's about everything I've learned from Yoongi— from you — every laughter I shared with Jin— how Hobi inspired me— I don't want to forget those."

Namjoon sighed, "I already did Taehyung's— I can't stop now— I can't undo it— Mika, let me erase your memory for your sake —" he stopped and kneeled in front of me holding my hand. "—this will be hard. Like I said— I've been there before. It's like being in alternate universe and the worst is, it may come to a point that you'll start doubting everything because no one you're with remembers."

"I can take it. Just don't take my memories away." I pleaded and this time my tears poured.

"The boys decided to forget about you and your friends." Namjoon stood up again as he begins to work on Sowon. "What's the use of your memory if they can't remember you as well."

"It doesn't matter. I won't seek you. I won't purposely seek you out— If in case we saw each other— I'll pretend I don't know you."

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