Chapter 27

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Mika POV

Jungkook kissed me and smiled at me. "How about we do this but I'll pull out— I swear I pull out."

For a while I grimaced at his suggestion but he seems to be reassuring, "Are you sure that's safe?"

"Yeah— I read that people do it all the time." He said and I nodded.

I kissed the mole on his neck and he trembled. He looked at me and we lay there in sweet silence. I was never a sexual person. I wasn't interested before, but I think just like Jimin was— all it takes is a person you love— to pull that wild side in you.

— and it helps that your boyfriend has well tone abs that screams at you at he took his shirt off when he begins to kiss your neck.

I touch him, in places that I thought I couldn't even bring to look at, and the moan that comes out of his mouth made me even more braver.

Time seems to fly off too fast and my mind was too drunk from the passion we are sharing to notice that we are both naked as he showed a bit of hesitation, "I love you." He whispered before he tried to enter me and it took quite a while.

It was mysterious yet wonderful. The way he explored my body, the feelings it unearthed inside of me.

A sound I never heard before but I think if there's heaven it would definitely sound like this. I was half expecting to be like how I perceive others but Jungkook's passion is like an accompaniment to what I was feeling.

It feels like a lifetime to get there but it made me yearn when it was over.

Jungkook's body slumped on me as we catch our breath. I was about to ask if we can do it again when my gift heard someone familiar followed by knocking on our door.

When we didn't answer, my phone rang but I didn't answer it as well. Then Jungkook's phone rang.

"I should answer it— otherwise he'll be mad at me again." Jungkook said.

"Would you rather make me mad instead?"

"I don't— but there's a text here— and between the two of us— he might be small but his punch is packed with hatred so—" Jungkook was saying when his phone rang again.

"Hyung!— okay, Jimin—ssi!" Jungkook said over the line. "Of course not! We were just talking— Of course. Yeah you could, I'll make it possible— she still needs a little convincing— thanks— okay."

"You lied to him." I scowl at Jungkook. "You told him nothing happened."

"Of course babe. I don't want to die." Jungkook sheepishly said.


It was short lived however, as I shouted at Taehyung while we were in the park. He was mercilessly beating Jungkook to the ground. Except for shielding himself, Jungkook didn't fought back.

Jimin was also too scared to intervened. We told them the news of my predicament. I was delayed for three months. A month shy of our graduation— I had to turn down an opportunity working because of my condition.

Hell broke lose and I wasn't able take Jungkook's bloodied face. I pulled Taehyung's arms but he pushed me and I lost balance slumping into the ground.

I saw Jungkook's eye darken as he saw me and push Taehyung off me coming to my aid.

"Babe— are you okay?" He said as blood trickles from his nose.

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