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Mika POV

Jungkook held my hand while we're about to sleep. "I have something to say— something I didn't consult with you but if you're against it— I won't do it."

I looked at him but it took awhile for him to say anything and he started it with a bleak smiled. "Babe— I'm quitting my job." Jungkook said.

"Why?" I asked with a furrowed brow. "I thought you love your job. It pays well, too."

"Hyung's gonna run for Senator next term." He confided.

"Wow! That's — then why are you quitting?" I asked.

"There's still a lot of pro-gifts — it's a different ball game— a much dangerous one. Everybody knows he's eyeing for presidency in a decade or two." Jungkook eyes sadden. "I'm thinking of taking it easy. Maybe buy some farm in the suburbs or just take a boring desk job. I don't want our lives to be tough for us."

"If you think that's best." I said. "When are you planning to tell him?"


We entered Namjoon's office and waited for him. There are photos of him shaking hands with presidents of different nations thanking him for his discovery. Jungkook was fidgeting while we were sitting.

"We could go home and tell Namjoon it was just a joke." I said but he shake his head.

When Namjoon entered he gave a bleak smile and showed a paper while we stood up, "Which one of you is behind this idea? This resignation idea." He sat behind his desk and look at us alternately.

"It's really me, Hyung." Jungkook said and Namjoon motioned us to sit. "I just want to take it easy— if you manage to win to election then I know— I know I wouldn't be able to get out. Besides, I'm no help to you right now."

The door blasted open and it was Jin holding a plate of pasta with some drinks in a tray and gave some to us as he sat as well.

"I just wish you would stay— especially after the elections— I need someone I could trust." Namjoon looked at Jungkook intently.

"I'm here Namjoon— you could trust me. I wouldn't poison you—" Jin said as Namjoon starts to eat but as soon as the food is near his mouth, "— or will I"

"Hyung, you know you can trust those guys— they're with us when we are lobbying the bill for the vaccine. Not one of them told anyone about Jake." Jungkook said when Jin's laughter died down.

"Namjoon— what you need is a wife. A charming wife who can back you up as an asset." Jin smiled at him. "Then Yoongi could compose a wedding song instead of cringe inducing jingles for your campaign."

"Or a husband—" Jungkook teased and the older guy glared at him.

"Okay— okay fine. I accept this." Namjoon relented. "I wish you brought your kids. I missed those rascals. Who's with them?"


We entered our house and all I can hear was their laughter. The noise of the surrounding. Jungkook's voice as he called our children's name.

It's been ten years.

Ten long years since my gift stopped functioning. The abolition of Rhodd Centers and worldwide removal of gift was first put into action ten years ago.

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