Chapter 3

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Mika's POV

We were seated on the cafeteria as Jimin clasps his hands. "I found her."

"—and." Taehyung started eating.

"It's Sowon." Jimin bit her lower lips trying to hide a smile.

Sowon was the head of the cheerleading team. A part of it was because she has nimble and flexible body not to mention famous. But most of it because, she could taste someone's emotion once she touches them and therefore she adjust her attitude based on that.

I bet she knows Jimin is interested in her.

Instead of being happy for Jimin, I felt bad for him. This is not the first time this have had happened. More often that not, it ends with the girl dumping him because he cannot explained his gift.

—or breaks up with him because he's a UNK (unknown in registry).

"It doesn't take a TL to know what you're thinking Mika." Jimin pouted at me while he avoid my eyes.

"I'm just worried about you. I told you— just avoid it first until you can control your gift. Or at least tell her head on. That way you won't invest your time with her and then—"

"I'll wish that I'm normal like the both of you." He said with pain in his eyes. "Did you think I'm not thinking about it. I didn't say I'm gonna pursue her. I said I know it's her."

"Jimin—." I asked.

Jimin groaned. "Just a day— I mean — I wanted to do that to be normal— to have gifts like the two of you."

I looked at Taehyung and he darted his eyes away from me. I could hear his mad music as if telling me that I should've have just supported Jimin and then we don't have to deal with his self-pity moments again.

"Jimin—" I said reaching out for his hand which he quickly slap.

Then surprisingly the entire cafeteria was just reduced to murmuring of students and I knew—

"I could help you. Sorry I overheard awhile ago." Jungkook to our surprise sat with us. "I'm Jungkook—"

"The transferee." Taehyung added. "It's impolite to eavesdrop. We didn't invite you to sit with us as well."

"Wow— Hyung is so harsh. If you asked me, I think it's more impolite to sense someone's feeling than overhearing their discussion— you and Mika are the ones being impolite to Jimin and me since you guys always knows our feelings." He smirked which causes Taehyung to rolled both of his hands into a fist.

Tahyung's lips pursed before speaking. "You shouldn't have come here then. You know this is a TL school. If a CF like you is too sensitive to be—"

"I like some challenge in my life." Jungkook interrupted Taehyung and then faced me. "Thank you for keeping my secret, Mika." He said sarcastically.

When we didn't speak, Jungkook observed us. Taehyung was looking at him probably wondering about his aura while I removed my earpods. "So visual TL, auditory TL and a mixed born with a huge problem with girls. What a great combination!"

"You told him?" Jimin was shocked at what Jungkook said. "You told him about our gifts! Did you even know what his gift is? You blabber us to a complete stranger!"

"I didn't! He heard yours awhile ago!" I told Jimin off and face Taehyung, hoping that he would see that I'm not lying. "I didn't told him about me and Taehyung either. He knows this is a TL school it's not like we could hide that. I haven't told him about yours. What makes you think I would?"

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