Chapter 1

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Mika's POV

It was five years after that. Five years after we discovered our "gifts". Taehyung's was similar to mine, instead of a sound, he can see colorful aura like around a person.

I began to wear earphones most of the time. Public places could be quite a chaos. It's like a symphony orchestra, fifty of them, simultaneously wrecking havoc against my eardrum. Whenever someone talked to me, it made it easier to drown the rest of the crowd.

"Mika—" Jimin said as he went closer to my ears. "You need to help me."

"With what?" I said hearing a fast tune playing as Jimin murmurs.

Jimin frowned again. "Argghh— Later— Okay?— I— I need to go. I'll tell when Taehyung arrives. Tell him to wait for me no matter what happens." He said as he rushes out.

Jimin managed to get in to our school because until recently, he wasn't registered. His gift didn't become apparent until we hit puberty. With his boyish looks and charisma, soon girls began flocking all over him.

With the girls comes his stomach problems.

He's a mixed born. A combination of TL, by the way he gauges the sexual desire of other people, and a CF, a physical manifestation by loose bowel movement. Something that Taehyung and I tried hard not to laugh at but becomes unbearable at times.

"Is Jimin doing a number 2 on  himself again?" Taehyung said when he saw me sitting alone in a bench.

"Yeah." I chuckled. "Where have you been?"

"I saw someone— someone with a black aura again so I decided to talk to her." Taehyung smiled lopsidedly.

"You don't have to do that everytime."

"I know but I want to." He said sheepishly and then begins to laugh as Jimin approached us.

"Can we go at the back building?" Jimin asked. "Someone where there's no other people."

Taehyung and I both nodded while holding our laughter. Whenwe reach the room of the burned down building, Jimin begins to winced. "It's getting worse."

Both of our laugh decided burst out while Jimin can't help doing the same. "How worse can this get, Jimin?" Taehyung said. "Hasn't it occured to you that maybe— just maybe you've eaten something rotten and really have diarrhea."

"Yeah! Yeah! Like that last time when you thought your tutor have the hots for you and it turns out— you got stomach flu." I said still chuckling.

"No! I swear! It's someone this time. It happens only when there's a lot of student outside. I don't experience it in our classroom or when I'm home." Jimin bit his lower lip and faced me. "Are you sure you can't focus your hearing to someone who has direct intention to you. I read somewhere if you practice doing it TLs could—"

"I'm pretty sure no. Otherwise, I could've drowned Ms. Oh's incessant sadness during our history class. Unless I talked to the culprit I wouldn't be sure it's her." I said. "Stop reading those self help book Jimin! You know it's all bull crap anyway."

"Jimin, just wait until you're twenty five. Maybe by then your powers will shift into a totally different one." Taehyung chimed in.

"It's easy for you to say. You guys have it easy. What happens to we'll help each other with our gifts. Now, all of you are just telling me to wait." He huffed and crossed his arm by the sound emitting from the background and the way Taehyung looked at me, we're both feeling guilt.

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