Chapter 24

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Jungkook's POV
(Two chapters left after this one. Thanks for sticking around my very slow updates for this story 😂)

It took a while before I could convince Ryujin to go to the hospital with us. She was uneasy and tensed but I tried to calm her down.

It took some time to convinced her but in the end she did. I told her that it would kill me if she had an attack again and I wouldn't be there to save her.

I tried to be honest, it was the truth, I really cared about her. Jin's right however, I pity her state. I wanted to be there for her because of I see my sister in her, my sister that I couldn't save. With her, I could feed my guilty conscience by being her hero.

I don't know how Namjoon did it but he was able to hack the hospital's system and schedule an operation for Ryujin and Jimin. The plan is, once the anesthesia has been administered, Yoongi will render the hospital staff unconscious, then Namjoon would administer the serum then change their memory.

Ryujin was the first one to undergo the operation, but before her, Namjoon needs to alter Ryujin's grandmother, Taehyung, Sowon and Mika's memory first before he gets to Ryujin— he needs to rest in between and he needs to work on the rest before Jimin or Ryujin wakes up.

Even in the last minute— I never got the chance to explain to Mika.

"Jungkook?" Ryujin called me as I held her hand on the way to the operation room.

"Yes, baby?" I said squeezing her hand.

"If I did some bad things would you forgive me?" She said and tears fell from her eyes.

"Of course, baby." I said knowing what she already did.

"I was the one who called the Rhodd police." She admitted while sobbing. "I'm sorry, Jungkook."

"I know." I told her. "It's alright. We managed to still get the formula for the serum so it's all okay. You'll be fine now."

Ryujin sobs, "I thought— I thought if I did that—Mika would be scared and she wouldn't come back— I'm really sorry."

I answered her with a smile although I wanted to tell her it's the very reason why Mika joined us to the Gwangju office. That her action caused a series of reaction cementing my feelings for Mika.

I decided against it because there's no use. Just as Mika would forget about me— she will, too.

"Thank you." Ryujin sat up and hug me. "Thank you for making me happy even just for a short time. Sorry for being selfish— You should be with her now— With Mika— I know you want to talk to her— sorry for stealing you away from her. I just want you to be there with me before—" Ryujin cried hard unable to complete her words.

It rendered me motionless. She knew. She knew what we will do. That's the reason why she monopolized me.

Hobi and Yoongi wheeled her inside the operating room while I was still frozen in my place.

It was done.

All of them.

We all depart from the hospital and the moment they wake up— all five of them will no longer remember anything about us.

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