Chapter 21

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Mika POV

That was stupid.

Maybe I should've had followed Jungkook.

I looked around at the room where Jungkook brought us. There's nothing to hide from, nothing to run into except for the vent but now that Jungkook's not with me, I remember that the direction of the vent is to the person that is getting closer.

My tears flowed and I controlled my sobs.

Mika, think — think! Or pray. That could work as well.

Because what you need is a miracle.

It happened, a miracle— the noise I was listening into went to the other direction and then slowly faded until it vanished.

I cried my hearts out. I was actually afraid. I'm not ready to accept whatever that is in store for me if they caught me but I kept thinking about Jimin. It took me a while to get over the nerve-wrecking experience. I stayed in the room hugging myself crying hoping that it will calm me.

When the crying stopped, I accepted my fate and that I'm the only one who could help me.

The brain, however, is a fascinating thing, the more I'm stressed about the situation, the more options my brain seems to think of.

I could climb the vent and just turn back if the two person I heard awhile ago came back.

That's a good idea.

It was good until I tried to yank the vent but it didn't budged.

I don't know how Jungkook managed to do it. I didn't see how he did it awhile ago.

Slowly, I opened the door and took a peek before getting out and slowly closing the door again. The hallways of the facility are very much alike to a hospital with the multiple doors separating the hallway into a division.

It works for me, I could stop and hide but the noise the door makes is like a hammer to my heart. I pat my pants and felt something on my pocket.

The map of the facility, I still have it on my pocket.

I opened it and looked at my options. The vents are drawn in blue lines, but that's out of the question. I traced the hallway with my finger, working on it as if it was a labyrinth.

Each time I found a way, I hit a red door. Which means it is security enabled. Which means I wouldn't be able to enter it.

There was one, one that leads to the main door.

It requires another miracle. The guard hopefully is still sleeping.

I started my steps, each one more unsure as the last. Stopping more than I should to gauge if there's somebody else before I traversed the hall way.

There no way I could get out of time.

No, Mika. You can do this.

I took another step, then a high pitch sound rang on my ear, followed by a feint bass and the same devil snare I heard when Jungkook was about to climb the vent.

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