Chapter 11

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Mika POV

My eyes opened and I saw the Jungkook, Jin and Namjoon sitting in front of me. I tried to remember everything, hoping that Namjoon didn't use his gift on us.

Should I even trust my own memory knowing that Namjoon is capable of doing something like that?

The way I remember it Taehyung and I felt a bit queasy, intoxicated in a way, the dolls made my stomach churned and my consciousness fade away.

If he planted that memory, he's not as smart as I think he is.

"I didn't do it." Namjoon must've noticed the way I looked at him and confirmed my thoughts. "Sorry, to ask you this Mika, after the shit Yoongi hyung pulled awhile ago— Mika, we still need you to stay to help with guarding the villa."

"Where's Tae?" I asked noticing one of my best friends wasn't around.

"Unfortunately," I could see Namjoon's adam's apple bob as his eyes avoid mine. "I— I had to use my gift— I swear I didn't use it on you and I had no choice. He woke up and he's a bit hysterical after remembering what happened. I had to do it, I hope you understand. I'll talk to him and repair his memory tomorrow, for now Yoongi's driving him home."

Jin sat beside me smiling and looking hopeful. "You're a bit more special than what I imagine you to be." He said. "You'll do rounds with Jungkook tonight. He'll explain what happened. I'll switch with him and be with Yoongi until morning. Namjoon and I needs to discuss something."

There are a lot of questions in my mind and out of all of them, Jungkook was the least person I wanted to talk to.

He seems to be pissed off over something as well but it'll be too late for me to go home. Not to mention, if I ever force them to tell me, Namjoon would probably, no surely, use his gift on me.

Jungkook silently walk away not waiting for me to follow him, Hobi had to tell me to go by the small water fountain outside to join him.

When I sat down, he push a mug of what is probably coffee to my direction. Jungkook was still silent as he drank. I was quite taken aback by his attitude, he was never this cold to me.

"We have four hours to just sit here." I closed my eyes trying to submerge in the sound of crickets since he doesn't want to speak. "If you rather be grumps then I'll wait for Namjoon to answer my question."

Jungkook just shrugged his shoulders, my idea to make him feel guilty and talk first backfired, he likes the silence more than me now.

He wore his air pods and smile mockingly at me.

I wish I could hear what he's feeling right now. If I'm the reason why he was mad, even if I didn't recall anything I did to pissed him off but it could be that he's on a date with his mystical girlfriend and Tae and I had to ruin it again.

The truth is, it was quite nice to be alone with him but after an hour, it began to be boring. I yanked out his earphone, "What the fuck?!" he was about to talk it but I put it inside my pocket. "What do you want?"

"What happened?" I asked.

"Your senses got assaulted by chemicals— there I answered your question. Give it back!" Jungkook laid his hand.


"Namjoon is trying to conconct some shit he found on some document that he downloaded illegally— yadda yadda yadda— you wouldn't understand because I spent a month alone with him and I still can't understand a sentence he's saying." Jungkook said. "Just give it back Mika, I'm not in the mood to play games with you."

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