Chapter 19

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Jungkook POV

"Don't hurt anyone." Namjoon said looking at Yoongi.

"I'm not even gonna go inside. I'm just driving them." Yoongi answered which quite made me uncomfortable. I could still feel Yoongi's distrust towards Namjoon.

"Still." Namjoon tap his shoulder. "Take Care of them Hyung."

"If I did a bang up job, erase my memory." Yoongi said as he starts up the engine.

Hobi was pretending to be sleeping between me and Mika. He was still weak from the last experiment from us but I knew for a fact that he still fears for his life with our mission.

Mika, has gotten great at ignoring our sounds whenever she needs to. I know Hobi's should be loud by now but she was staring at the plan and closing her eyes, probably memorizing the path towards the data center.

"I know it by heart, I used to live there. You don't have to memorize it." I said hoping that somehow I could take away her nervousness.

"You're not always with me." She said as she continues to look at it, tracing the path made by Namjoon with her finger.

"The plan Namjoon brief us a while ago says so. You need to stick with us." I attempted to take the paper but she quickly moved it away from me.

"What if you need to leave me behind?" She asked and my heart felt like it has been stabbed. It hurts that she won't trust me anymore.

After this mission, I'm sure. Pretty sure that she would rather Namjoon erase her memories, too.

"I won't, I promise." I looked at her trying to at least earn her trust for a night.

"I'm just planning for the worst." She says as she looks at the paper.

"When the worst happens— if it happens— I'd rather sacrifice myself than leave you." I said and finally Mika looked at me, even without saying a word, I know for sure she's trying to read me— I let her— I let her hear my feelings.

"You kids want me to transfer seat or what?" Hobi finally said.

Mika decides to look back at the plan. I didn't know what she heard but it didn't seem to change her mind. I mean it— I won't leave her, I'd rather go back inside the asylum than let them have Mika.

While we are almost near the Gwangju Office, loud sirens began to fill the empty streets. One, Two— Five Rhodd Police Cars have passed us.

Then, my phone rang. "Hyung?" It was Jin.

"Hey— this will be quick. Are you guys close to the office?" He asked.

"Yeah— we're almost there about three minutes— why?"

"Did you encounter any Rhodd Police on your way?"

"Yes— I don't know what this—"

"Good, Namjoon and I are at your school." Jin said. "The good news is— you have a better chance now to delete my data. The bad news is you three need to buy some clothes— and other stuff— don't tell Yoongi yet."

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