Chapter 5

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Mika's POV

We were eating in the cafeteria as usual. What Jungkook told me the day before, however is instilled in my head.

"What would you guys do if in case I got myself a boyfriend?" I said immediately.

It was the time when Jimin just bite off his sandwich and he quickly choked on it.

"Are you okay?" I asked and he motioned that he is.

His sound began to play quick whimsical trumpets which means his head is full of mischief. He finds this situation funny.

Tae on the other hand was beginning to be mad. Then he pinch himself and all I can hear was pain.

How long has he been doing that, I don't know, but this is the first time I figured out that he's using his pain to block my gift.

After Jimin drank some water, "Of course, I'll be okay with it. Do you like someone? Someone who's not an asshole?"

Taehyung forcely slap his neck, causing Jimin to be happy even more.

"No, not really— I don't like anyone but— but I'm not ugly am I?" I asked.

"You're not." Taehyung said.

"Why do you think no one's interested in me? I mean, I'm not that nice but I'm not a bitch either. I'm on honor roll so I'm not stupid, but no— no guy has been interested in me— ever." I looked at them, Jimin still finds this funny, Taehyung is still in pain.

"Awwww, my little princess Mika is now growing up. She now wants to have a boyfriend." Jimin said and when I pouted he smiled at me. "Seriously, when you're not with us, you're wearing headphones, it translates to I don't want to talk to anyone— and you wonder why no guy has ever approached you."

"How about you, Taehyung? Why do you think guys don't like me?" I asked and then Jimin chuckled.

"Yeah, Taehyung, tell her why unless you—"Jimin said and Taehyung hit him in the head again. "She's finally interested to know!"

"Finally?! What do you mean— finally?" I looked at Taehyung and he panic. "Don't pinch yourself again!"

But instead of his true emotion, a slow banging of drums began to emanate from him. He was frightened and so does Jimin.

Bullets of perspiration began to appear from Jimin's forehead as he scrunched his face. He wanted to stand up and leave but it was too late. When I heard a voice, I knew why.

"Hi, Jimin—" It was Sowon. "Do you have time?"

Jimin wasn't moving and I can hear his low grunts. "Ah, Sowon— Jimin is— uhmm Jimin—" Taehyung started to say while looking at Jimin but wasn't able to continue.

If Jimin wasn't squirming in pain as he clutched his fist, it would be funny.

I could see Jimin slowly turning pale. It's not a simple stomache anymore. It's only a matter of time that he would start to vomit from the pain.

Sowon, sounded worried, her feelings for Jimin might be real after all. "Is there something wrong? Jimin do you want to go to the infirmary?"

When the sounds of drums vanished and I felt relief.

"Jimin, what's up?" Jungkook suddenly appeared out of nowhere and when he tap Jimin's cheek lightly. Jimin finally was able to look at us as color began to fill his cheek.

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