Chapter 12

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Mika's POV

It was Sunday. The day after my first stake out with Jungkook. I was yawning when Tae's car stopped in front of our house. Jimin immediately bounced out of the passenger's seat and went in the back seat.

I was putting on my seat belt when suddenly a hand touched me, "Hi, Mika."

"Jesus Christ!!!" I lurched forward because I was surprised that somebody touched me.

"Nope— Just me, Sowon." She laughed together with Jimin

I didn't expect she was already in the car. The earphone in Jimin's ear explains why he's not shitting himself even if she's in the car.

"So?" Jimin asked Sowon.

"You're right." Sowon answered and Jimin immediately kissed her. I rolled my eyes at their display of attention and being inconsiderate that we're in the car as well.

I took my seatbelt off again to look at Jimin and he was laughing already. "What's the about?!"

Jimin smiled at me reassuringly. "She thought you really like me and was just using Taehyung."

"I don't like him like that." I turned to Sowon while pointing to Jimin and she shrugged her shoulder. It was Tae's turn to shake his head and mumbled while he was starting the car.

"What?!" I asked, my patience which was never my forte was almost at the state of depletion.

"Kissing's normal. I expected you to be angry at Jimin for doing it because of his condition but you being disgusted by it is kinda weird." Taehyung said as the car begans to move.

This is what I hate about Taehyung and why I'm thankful for Jimin. He answers anger with anger and with both our mountainous pride, it always is the cause of fight between us.

No one wants to back down until Jimin interferes.

I don't have time to argue with him so I just shut my mouth and close my eyes. The saxophone sound from the backseat is not helping my cause. Against better judgement, I used my gift against Taehyung making him see that I'm sorry (I am a little) and tired.

It was a success because he stopped by to get some coffee and then hugged me. I still don't feel anything but I did let him see some remorse— whatever color that may be. I realized that it doesn't matter if I knew the color or not. What I needed to emit was the false idea. How he translate that depends on him.

"Jungkook just picked her girlfriend up. He kinda sounds different when talking to her." Jimin said.

"Different like a horny bastard different?" I said.

"No, different like reserved, demure, prince-like kind of different." Jimin said, "He must really think you're one of the boys, Mika."

Why did that hurt like an arrow shot to my heart?

We got out of the car after reaching the amusement park. While waiting for Jungkook, I slid my arms inside my jacket pocket feeling the chill wind of October weather.

I felt Taehyung arms wrapped around me as he rest his chin on my shoulder. "I'm sorry." He said and I pried his arms off me.

"What's with you?" Taehyung asked. Even without my gift, I knew he was irritated at me.

"I'm tired."

"— and my hug makes you more tired?"

"— and my hug makes you more tired?"

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