Chapter 23

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Mika POV

There was it again. The pain— unbearable pain. I know he saw me the second time around but he did it again.

It was easy to let go of what happened yesterday but I guess I was the only one who is expecting something from his promise.

Maybe it was just because of the situation or that he was force to tell me that he plans to break up with Ryujin but from what I can see, they are still much together.

"Let's go." Jin told me holding my hand as he looked back one last time. "Don't worry— I bet he's guilty right now."

"What?" I asked stopping momentarily only to be dragged by Jin again.

"I asked Hobi to channel my gift to Jungkook. Right now, he knows what you feel." He said as we reach the makeshift seat of rocks near the highway.

"So?" I quipped. Only to realize a moment later what he meant by that.

"Oh to be young and in love— and pretending to be stupid." Jin murmured and it made me smile. "I don't know what happened but I know the difference before and after you got back. Did he promised the stars? The moon? That he'll cut off his dick if you managed to get out alive?"

"I haven't thanked you for that. I mean for making it easier for us— Because of what you did we managed to get in and out easily." I tried to change the topic of my Jungkook situation because I don't want to tell him what happened or should I say what didn't happened.

"That's the least I can do. It was actually Namjoon who thought of that but what's a couple of hundred millions compare to my life." He chuckled. "That's a nice segue by the way— don't worry— I won't pry. I'm used to not knowing what's happening— like us squatting in Ryujin's house."

"It must've been hard to do that most of the time— knowing how people feel but them doing the exact opposite of what's expected and not knowing the reason."

Jin looked at me like he pieced two and two together. He sighed before speaking holding my hand with his.

"I learn how to trust Namjoon. He wouldn't decide on something that would put us in jeopardy— even if he did— I trust that he already exhaust all options." He said. "If it hurts that much— I figure telling you to trust him won't do you any good so I got back at him— but maybe it's the same thing— it the best option for now."

"Thanks again, I guess?" I said.

"Welcome. Not that you will remember any of the good things I've done for you." Jin pouted at me, I don't know if it's act but if it is— with all his feelings of doubt about his future— a lonely violin plays in the background.

"You've heard. Did Namjoon told you?" I asked and he nodded.

Taehyung told me as we went home that he'd rather forget all about what happened. He'd rather not relive in his mind all the things he learn about gifts and just continue with our lives before meeting Jungkook. It was his decision when Namjoon asked him about our options.

"Are you sure that's what you want or are you just going with the flow?" Jin asked me.

"I told Taehyung I'll wait until Jimin could decide. He's a fair person— I'll trust his judgement like how you trust Namjoon." I said.

"How about you? Are you sure you want to forget about our little friend?" Jin smirked then frown.

"Is there something worth remembering about him?" I said and he suddenly pinched my cheek.

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