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I've been alone in this mansion, for more than a month.

I have no idea what to do. I text my bff levy.

Well, she was  my bff.

In not so sure anymore. I haven't talked to her in a month.

does she hate me?

I wouldn't blame her if she did.

I just hope she doesn't.

I need someone right now...anyone

Hey levI text. In 5 seconds I get a text back.
Omg! Lu! Are you okay!! I heard about what happened....im so sorry.
It's okay. I just needed some time. I got it. But now I need someone..
I don't blame you. do you want me to come over? Omg! Girls nighttttt?😏
Sure lev. pack up! Come over at 11:00. In ordering pizza!
Kk! Oh, can I invite some people?
Sure! Who?
Two new girls their names are juvia and erza.
K, see ya. Bye😎
Bye lu!

Im so excited!

I order, 3 large pizzas.

Then I got some movies out.

And set up my x box.

I layed some blankets out on the ground with some pillows.

I got two tubs of ice cream.

I made pop corn.

I put in a  playlist of my fav songs.

"Miss lucy?" I hear a knock at my door

" come in Virgo! " virgo's my maid.

"Your pizza is here." she hands it to me. i put it on my desk.

"Thank you virgo!"

" punishment? "

"would that make you happy?"

" Oh, yes! It would! Every much indeed, Miss lucy. "

I sighed. I flicked her fore head.

Her bangs casted a shadow over her eyes

She looked up at me with emotionless eyes

Then they lit up.

"Thank you princess!"

" your welcome. "

She walked out.

That was weird.

20 mins later. )))))))))))))))))))

"Princess! Your friends are here!"

" here we go...thank you virgo! Will you bring them up? "

"Yes, of course!!"

(((((((((levy p.o.v)))))))

I haven't seen Lucy in a month! Im so excited!!!!
I know the girls are to. I didn't tell them Lucy was a heartfilia.
Hehe....it was a suprise.

(((((((((juvia p.o.v)))))))

O....m....g!!!! levy didn't tell me Lucy was a millionaire!!! IM SO EXCITED!!!

(((((((Erza p.o.v))))))

Huh, so she's a heartfilia? That's interesting. I heard about what happened to her parents that's probably why she hasn't been to school for a month. Im in the student council. It's my job to know everything, about everyone.

I wonder if she knows about her brother. I should tell her.

Word coumt :419

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