training pt:2

249 6 1

Natsu p.o.v))))

"Now boys it's your turn."



I wonder what my magic is?

"Gray your first, open your palm and say ' Ice make, sword'"

"Ice make, sword!!"

An ice sword came into his hand
My eyes widen in shock.

"Gajeel, you might wanna back up guys....take 20 steps backwards everyone"

Everyone started walking backwards

"Now gajeel, look at me and yell "iron dragon roar!" I'll be okay I'll make a shield with Aquarius star dress. "

I growl

He nods

"Iron dragon---ROAR!!!" he aimed at Lucy

After the smoke cleared Lucy was standing still with a smile

 After the smoke cleared Lucy was standing still with a smile

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Then she Went back to normal

"Jellal, I can't help you with yours. You have to unlock it your self. "


" Sting, look at me and say 'white holy dragon roar! "

"White holy dragon---roar!!!"

I was staring for a little  but once the smoke cleared Lucy was okay

She stayed in it this time

"Rogue, say "shadow dragon roar"

"Shadow dragon-----roar!!"

Lucy was fine

"Laxus. Say "lightning dragon roar"

" lightning dragon...ROAR!! "

Lucy was in a different dress this time

Lucy was in a different dress this time

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"why did you change Lucy?" Erza asked

" electricity and water aren't a good mix. It would have caught me off guard and blew up so I used Leo's instead"

"Oh" levy said

"Now girls I showed you how to activate your dress but not how to attack."

Lucy's dress disappears and she's back to normal

"Cana" Lucy throws a bag of blank cards at her

"Throw one of those cards at this tree"

She threw it and the tree dispersed Lucy pick it it up and how's everyone that the tree was on the card.

Lucy smirked "erza"

"Say 'heavens wheel armour!"

" heavens wheel armour! "

Erza had 100 swords around her

"Now move your right arms to the ground. '

She did as she was told and am of the swords hit the ground

" levy "

"Say solid script 'iron'! And write iron in the air"

" solid script ---iron! " she wrote

"Gajeel take a bite of it"

"What---NO! I CAN'T EAT IRON!!!"

" yes you can. Your stomach it's made of iron you'll be able to digest it no problem. Your an iron dragon slayer anyway. Eat. It. "

"Okay okay"

Well...r.i.p gajeel

He took a bite and his eyes widen

Then he shoved the whole WORD in his mouth.

.....I really am questioning life now...

"Wendy, say "sky dragon roar!!"

" sky dragon---ROAR! "

She aimed at a tree.

It fell over.

My eyes widen.

Oh..even a 11 year old girl is scary

"Natsu I held your off for a reason. It can be very dangerous but. I want you to aim at the tree Wendy hit and yell "FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!"


The tree was burned to a crisp.

I smirk.


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