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Natsu p.o.v)))))

I was striping and so was Lucy she said I couldn't look at her.

Yeah right!

I look at her. Then look away

I smell her scent. It was of vanilla and strawberry.

I smile.

She gets in the warm bath while saying "ah~" in a sigh.

I smile and get in with her. She blushes.

And looks at the bubbles in the tub. 

I look at her.

And move my fingers under her chin making her look up at me.

I look into her eyes for what felt like an eternity.

Her eyes were mesmerizing.

I slowly move myself closer to her.

She moved closer too.

She closes her eyes.

I close mine.

And push my self. So that my lips are on hers...

She smiled into the kiss.

I smirked into mine.

My hands move up her waist. She gasped at my touch.

Her eyes open and she pushes me off, gasping for air.

We both breath heavily. "I love you..lucy"

"I love you too...natsu..." She says back.

I wash her back, and her hair. She sighs and leans into my touch.

I chuckle.

She lays on my chest as I play with her wet hair.

She turns around on my way arms, And looks me in my eyes.

"I love you. so much" she says.

And wraps her arms around me while looking down into the water, and pressing her self against me. With her head over my heart.

She snuggled in to me.

I wrap my arms around her now cold back.

(A/n if you don't understand I mean, because if you wet like your leg once, then if you wait awhile then it gets cold and you have to put water over it again)

I kissed her head. "N-natsu?" She says and looks up at me shyly.

" Yes? "

"Kiss me please"



Well I think this was a cute chapter! What do you think?!


Word count: 328

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